💨~He's Back~💨

Start from the beginning

"Alright nothing to see here people." Cole says picking up Lloyd and taking him over to the wall

"Ready Y/n?" He asks and I draw my bow squinting my eye to get it perfect


"WHAT ARE YOU NINJA DOING?!" I hear Lloyd yell

"1...2...3..NOW!" He throws little LG in the air and I let go of the arrow pinning his clothes to the wall. We all burst into laughing with the village and Cole buys us some candy to rub it in his face.

"Don't worry little LG the arrows eventually go away..." I trail of into a fit of laughter.

"YOU NINJA ARE NOW MY NUMBER ONE ENEMY!" I scoff what is this kid gonna possibly do? Release the real serpentine on us I laugh at the thought in my mind.

"I missed this so much guys." I said grinning and pulling all them in for a hug

"Okay okay!" They all sigh pulling out of the hug I roll my eyes as we start heading back to the dragons.

I was climbing on D/n (dragons name) When I see something fall out of Kai's bag

"Hey Kai you dropped a scroll." I comment simply and go back to petting my dragon until he mutters a what.

I jump down to see what's up. "This isn't mine..." he states and the rest of the group joins us I eyed the bag it fell out of

"Oh you grabbed Sensei Wu's bag." I reply

"Open it!" Jay shouts in glee

Kai opens it slowly and I saw it was written in an old language "it's written in chicken scratch."

I facepalm "it's obviously written by our ancestors Lil red."

He looks at me. "What is with your nicknames?"

"Don't worry about it just let Zane read it." I state giving the scroll to him

"It says." He pauses for a moment testing my patience "a green ninja will rise above all the other ninja becoming the best and defeating the Dark Lord once and for all."

We all look around at each other "well it's obviously me!" Jay says

"What no me!" Zane replies back

"You guys come on." I interjected clearly annoyed

"No me!" Cole yells

"it would never be any of you! It's me." Kai responds. I yank the scroll gaining their attention and wrap it back up putting it in his bag.

"Sensei Wu didn't tell us for this exact reason. He knew a fight would break out so I suggest we pretend this never happened." I elaborated and we all got on our dragons there was no talking.

Until I was done putting up my dragon I noticed all the boys hung back. "What are you guys up to?" I ask approaching them

"Nothing what makes you say that?" Cole laughs nervously

"There's one person here who can't lie to save his life."  I said

They all groan knowing who I'm talking about "Jay my man." I sling my arm over his shoulder "You want to tell me something right?"

He doesn't look at me "I know you do it's waiting to come out and I'm 'shocked' that you don't want to tell me." I laugh at the own joke I threw in there.


"JAY!" They all say in unison and look at me for my answer

"Ok." I said leaving to walk up the stairs

"Wait your not gonna stop us" Cole asks as they all run up the stairs

"That's exactly what I'm saying Coleslaw."
I already made it to my room and they were still following me "Guys go do your thing I'm fine." They smile and nod leaving me in my room alone
did they really think I wasn't worthy? How could that be I train everyday. I meditate everyday. When all they do is play those idiotic games. I mean I train till I can't breath that has got to count for something over them.

Do I even want to be the green ninja? I mean would that even satisfy me? I don't know so many questions yet I have no answers. I mean is this proof the ninja are never here for me that they don't care? I open the window climbing down it slowly to go to the target practice I squinted lining up my arrow with the center getting a direct bullseye.

Y/N THE VILLAGE ITS IN DANGER!" Cole shouts I stop shooting practice and run up the steps following closely behind.


"Nya is there guys we need to hurry." Kai says as we land I tap their shoulder pointing to Lloyd we all jump in front of him

"Sorry to burst your buzz, little LG." Cole replies making me smile

"I knew that nickname would grow but to be clear I made it up." Lloyd gives me a blank gaze.

"Anyway it's past your bedtime." Jay comments

"Get them!" I look around who is gonna get me? When I suddenly see the serpentine?! I KNEW IT THEY ARE REAL.

"The serpentine? They're real?" Kai asks and we all back away as the whole army crowds us along with the whole village. Jay begins to charge his weapon but I grab his arm stopping him "the weapons are too unstable!"

"Exactly we'll do more harm than good." Zane agrees

"I guess that leaves us with RUN!!" Jay shouts and we all jump out of there meeting up again.

Nya thankfully had found us "What is up with this?" Cole thinks out loud

"Look when you hear the serpentine rattle their tales don't look in their eyes or you'll be hypnotized." Nya says gaining attention "The cure is in the staff."

"So we just need to get the staff and... PUT IT ON THE FOUNTAIN!" Kai yells jumping up and down

"Seems easy enough." Jay adds and we all nod


"RETREAT!" I heard Lloyd yell and I saw one particular snake not happy about the fact they were leaving without the staff I obtained.

I ran swiftly to the fountain putting the staff in the middle releasing the cure in the fog. After I saw everyone had been cured I pulled it out giving the staff to Sensei Wu who had arrived.

"I'm sorry for not dealing with Little- I mean with Lloyd the proper way."

The others join me in agreement "a lesson learned the hard way is still a lesson learned well."

I smile I didn't understand how he could be so forgiving and wise.

"But now we have a greater evil to deal with." Sensei sighed

"We will train and prepare for the serpentine." Zane says

"It may not be Lord Garmadon but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A game." Cole determined

"Help us train. Help us realize our potential." Kai added

"Yeah teach us the secrets behind the weapons of spinjitzu." I heard Jay say behind me.

"Hm there is much to teach. We must return to the monastery!"

⚠️-Ninjago Secrets-⚠️

•The Ninja boys actually enjoyed Y/n giving them nicknames, along with hugs
•The reason Cole didn't say anything when she called him Coleslaw was because, he got flustered
•Jay sometimes didn't want to make jokes because he wanted to hear what Y/n could think of first


•A rumor that went around in the group for weeks was that Y/n was related to Sensei Wu because she always trained, however Y/n quickly informed the ninja's that was insane as soon as she found out

*2645 words*

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