Chapter 11-Conversation

Comincia dall'inizio

"Wowww, ya'lls rooms are way nicer than the ones for us." She said raising a brow

"I can make some calls for the future?" I said as I put the bags down

"Josh, I'm kidding." She laughed, "This is nice though, look at the balcony."  We both walked out looking at the man-made lake it overlooked. I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled my face into her neck. I felt her take a deep breath and relax into me. 

"I'm excited to spend the night with you again," I mumbled as we started to sway slightly,

"I am too, I usually get cold in my room but I didn't get cold once last night." She smiled

"Oh, so that's all I'm good for? A human heater?" I said as I tickled her sides, She squealed as she tried to get away.  I felt my phone buzz. It was Sam

Little Shit- Going out tonight after the show.

-Sounds good, everyone coming?

Little Shit-as far as I know, yes.  Also, we leave for the venue in like 30 minutes.  Sloan says tell Rhiannon so she can dress accordingly.

"I'm supposed to tell you we are going out tonight and to dress accordingly," I said holding up my phone,

"Awesome, I'm going to go change and do my makeup." She said dissappearing into the bathroom

"Oh, and the car leaves for the venue in 30." I yelled after her, she stuck her hand out the door with a thumbs up.  I looked through my phone as I waited for her to get ready.  I finally saw her walk out, admiring her long legs as she walked towards me.  She had usually worn jeans, but today she was wearing a fitted skirt that had fringe going down the sides. She had a band tee on top that she tied into a knot in the front.  Her red hair, with the messy curls I adored.  She walked over to her suitcase, unaware that I was staring.  She pulled out a pair of black platform booties.  She slipped them on and stood up. 

"What do you think?" She said as she walked over to me

"I think you always look amazing, but you look especially good right now." I smiled as I stood up. I instantly realized that with her heels on, she was taller than me by an inch or two.  She grinned and then her face fell when she realized she was taller,

"I can change," She said reaching down to her shoes, I grabbed her arm and stopped her,

"Why would you do that? They make your already beautiful legs look even more sexy." I said as I kissed her, She blushed as she pulled away

"You really don't care? I know most guys don't like.."

"You really think I'm like most guys?" I smiled, she shook her head no as she bit her bottom lip.  "I am going to go ahead and head downstairs to the lobby." I paused, "Don't you dare change those shoes," I said giving her a wink.

"I won't" She giggled, "I'll be down soon."

I got downstairs to find Danny waiting in the lobby.  Jake appeared soon after and I could tell he was feeling down.  Me and Danny spoke to him for a while before he finally revealed he and Sloan were over, that he had told her to choose Sam, or that he had taken himself out of the running. He also revealed that Sam didn't know Jake had ended things, he thought Sloan had. We all turned when we heard the elevator open, Sloan and Sam approaching.  I started talking about the setlist so that there wouldn't be awkward silence.  I heard the elevator and looked up to see my smoking hot girlfr- wait, what was she to me?  We hadn't really discussed labels yet.  Things had been kind of rocky up to this point.  I took her hand as we all piled into the SUVs taking us to the venue.  We got to the venue and as soon as we got in Rhiannon dragged me to her workroom

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