The Fight!! Tommy's Missing (Part 7)

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Techno's POV

I didnt want to beleive him, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop beleiving him. I left the living room and locked myself in Phil's room, I heard Phil's voice outside of the door,

Phil: Hey are you ok Tech?

I didn't respond, I got away from the door, sat on his bed and started to tear up.

Wil: Techno I think there back!

I got up from the bed, left the room just to see all of them infront of the door, staring at me concerned. I was about to go back into his room but Tommy was behind me blocking the door.

Phil: Tech are you ok?

Tech: Yea- No.

I started to cry, when Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil hugged me, I felt a little bit better, but I was still upset that Phil had been on the run for years just because he was a hybrid. Soon my sadness turned to anger, I left the hug and went back to the fighting room, I turned on the training robot and battled with it,
Phil's POV

Tech left the group hug and went down stairs, we followed him and saw him dueling the robot, I knew what he was doing. A little while after, he turned off the robot, and left the house, I followed him and started to run after him,

Phil: Techno dont do what I think your doing!

Tech: If I dont then they will keep hurting you!

He kept on walking towards the place that the guys went off to, I finally caught up with him and stopped him in his tracks.

Phil: No dont try, it won't work!

Tech: It will work for me

Phil: It never works I tried way to many times to know that it doesn't work!
Techno's POV

I turned around and went back to the house, still upset about those guys hurting and hunting Phil down. I went back to the training room but it was blocked off,

Phil: You cant go in there until you calm down.

Tech: Really?!

Phil: Yes

I really just wanted to take down the thing blocking my way to the fighting area, but I knew if I did I would be in so much trouble, so I went back to Phil's room and cryed on his bed. A little after, my sadness became anger again, and this time I wasn't having no for an answer, I got up grabbed my sword and left the house. I started to sprint to the "Secret Hideout", when I got there I saw a bunch of guys with red suits on, I also saw a bunch of Hybrid's inside of cells, most of the guys had guns and a small few had sword's and axe's.

Tech: (I can take 'em)

I was about to go into the "Hideout" but I got hit in the head from the back and I passed out, when I woke up I didn't have my sword. I got up and I looked around, I was inside of a large empty room. I went over to the door and it didn't open until three guys came in,

???: Hello Hybrid!

Tech: Who are you!!

???: You dont need to know. But you are gonna tell me what I need to know!

Tech: Whatever you want to know Im never telling you!!

???: I just want to know where your dad went! Thats it.

Tech: Im not telling you!

???: I have ways to make you talk!

With that he snapped his finger's, the gaurds came toward's me with a bat before they could do anything, I started to fight them, I took the bat away from the guy

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