Phil is Gone!? Tommy's Missing (Part 3)

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Dream's POV

I Searched all day for Tommy, Techno, and Wil, but there was no sign of them anywhere! I kept on looking in the woods that night until I found a little camp in the forest, I saw two guys sleeping in the tents, I relized that it was Wil and Techno. I didnt wake them up because I was more concerned about Tommy, he wasnt at the camp so I had to wait until or if he would come back. After a hour of waiting, I wanted to just leave but thats when I saw Tommy coming back to the camp,

Dream: What are you doing?! Why are you out here! In the WILD!!!

Tommy: Shush Dont wake up Techno He will kill you on sight!

Dream: Why did you leave home???

Tommy: To Find Phil!

I was shocked I didnt know what to say to that. I stood there not saying anything, until Techno woke up I started to run the other way far away from the Camp.

Techno's POV

I woke up from hearing someones voice, I got out of the tent and saw someone running really fast in the other direction,

Techno: Who was that?!

Tommy: No one!

I ignored tommy and headed out in the direction where the person like figure was running when I caught up I noticed it was Dream!

Techno: DREAM!😠

Dream: Hi Techno...

Techno: Why are you here!!!

Dream: Because Dan told me that you guys had left home, then Tommy told me why you guys had left home in the first place.

Techno: Who's "Dan"???

Dream: My old freind...

I had no Idea who he was reffering to, but my instinct told me to fight Dream but I had to fight that instinct.

Techno: I have to go but dont come back!!!

With that I left him in the middle of the woods, now I had to deal with Tommy!

Tech: Why did you tell Dream we were looking for Phil!!!

Tom: Because he asked and I didnt know what else to say

Tech: You Could've Lied!

Tom: I dont lie

Tech: Your literally lying right know

Tom: Ok I can lie but I wont lie to Dream

Tech: You lie to that green homeless teletubby every single day dont say you wont lie to him!!

Tom: Ok I know that I do its just I didnt know what to do when he asked and I couldnt think of a lie!

After that I went back to my tent and went to sleep until the next day...
Dream's POV

I called Dan to tell him that I found them and why they left home,

Dream: Dan I found them

Dan: Really? Where are they?

Dream: There at a old campsite and there all fine

Dan: But why did they run away from there home?

Dream: To find there dad Phil

Dan: Wait Phil left them?!

Dream: Yeah Phil left when they where little...

Dan: Thats Sad, I cant beileve that he left them!

Dream: He left because he was getting to stressed worrying about 3 kids, and having to teach them at the same time as work so he had to leave them.

Dan: Thats so sad...

I kept on talking to Dan until he had to go back to sleep so I left him alone, I went back to the campsite the next day ignoring what Techno had said last night. I had watched them get everythung that they needed for the next day, I was very intrigued about what they were grabing.

Wil: Ok we need to Keep looking for Phil without getting caught!

Tech: He's not here, We need to go to another town!

Tommy: He's here I know it I looked through hundreds of houaes last night, but I forgot that Phil is an excellent builder so we need to look in the most out of place houses in the town!

Wil: Ok we need to look all around Town so follow me!

I started to run behind a tree at lightning speed, I forgot I had powers cause' I never use them but thats a story for another time. I started to follow them all through out the neighbor hood.
Wilbur's POV

We started to go all over town to find Phil but no matter where we went No sign of Phil anywhere, I didnt want to beleive that Phil had left the house and moved to another town so I just tryed to stay positive about finding Phil.

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