Is it over!? Nightmare (Part 4)

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Dan's POV

A Hour later...

I finally stopped crying, and I went upstairs to see if Jem wanted to talk, I knocked on the door, I saw Jem open the door, I could tell she was crying,

Jem: Are you gonna tell me whats going on? If not then just go away!
Dan: *Sigh* Ok Ill tell you
Nightmare: If you tell her I will Kill you!!
Jem: Dan?!
Nightmare: Im never gonna leave you alone Danny boy
Jem: Dan!!
Dan: huh?
Jem: you were gonna tell me whats happening?
Dan: Umm... I-I-I c-cant
Jem: Thats what I thought

Jem then closed the door, I just stood there feeling tears run down my face, I then went down stairs and sat on the couch again, crying.

Nightmare: Hahaha this is so funny!
Nightmare: Not gonna happen

I covered my ears like he was standing infront of me, even though I knew he was just in my head. I then felt a little drowsy and I fell asleep, I was back in the dream town but instead of being inside of the house, I was in the middle of the town. I felt like someone was watching me, I looked around and I saw Nightmare!

Nightmare: Hi Daniel
Dan: Dont Call Me That!
Nightmare: Oh is Daniel mad boo hoo
Nightmare: Hahaha
Nighmare: I mean *Teleports* I can leave, its just you will still here me
Nightmare: Thats never gonna happen Daniel
Nightmare: But its just to much fun Daniel!

I got madder everytime he said my real name, I wanted to just kill him but I knew that would do nothing to him. I then tried to use my powers on him but they still didnt work.

Dan: Go Away!
Nightmare: I wont go away until I take control of your body
Dan: What?!
Nightmare: Daniel you are so Dumb

He started to fade away and I had waken up, I noticed that I was still crying on the couch,

Dan: (What did he mean take over my body?)

That one question was in my mind all night long. It was now the next day and I didnt sleep all night, I decided that I would tell Jem what has been happening to me. I went upstairs and knocked on the door

Jem: What do you want?!
Dan: I want to tell you the truth
Jem: Ok tell me...
Nightmare: I'll kill you daniel
Dan: I-I-I
Jem: you know what, I dont care about the truth, just dont talk to me!
Dan: But I-I-I

Jem closed the door and I felt horrible,

Dan: (Why couldnt I tell her the truth? Whats going on with me?)

I knocked on the door again but she didnt answer this time

Dan: I-I'm So sorry I want to tell you what's happening, but everytime I try I just freeze up, please Forgive me!
Jem: Dan Didnt I Say To Leave Me Alone!
Dan: But-
Jem: Dan GO AWAY!

I went down stairs, fed the pugs and asher, I decided I wasnt gonna record today, I thought about what Nightmare said about "Taking over my body" I didnt know what I had done to make him mad, so I tried to remember everything that I have ever done. I then remembered an expirement I did with docter Tray, the expeirement was on Dream.

Dream: Hey, so whats this expierement about?

Dan: We are gonna try to put you in a different universe, and swap you with another person from that universe!

Dream: What if this dosent work?

Dan: If it doesnt work then you will be stuck in that universe forever, and the other person you swap with will stay in this universe...

Dr. Tray: Guys c'mon we have to get this experiment going

Dan: Coming Tray

Me and Dream walked over to the lab room and Dream stepped into the machine Dr. Tray had made.

Dr. Tray: Ok Im gonna pull the lever in 3..2...1...

He pulled the lever and the experiment had failed

Dan: Wait No Dream

I felt heart broken until I saw

Dan: Dream?! Your back

Dream: Yeah and Im fine nothing happened

I ran and hugged him real tight, I let go and I had hoped he would stay the same forever,

Dan: Im never experimenting on you ever again!

Dream: Ok

It was the next day and I had seen dream again but this time he had taken off his mask, and I had seen a side of him I never seen before he was yelling at someone I didnt know he had a red and white polo on. All I heard was Dream telling this kid to put his stuff in the hole, I got a little closer to Dream and the kid, until I saw them up close. I saw Dream switching colors from green to red, I felt shocked I was so scared that I ran out of there with in second's.

I knew why he wanted to kill me, I brought him into this universe and I put him inside of Dreams body, he never wanted to leave his universe but I brought him out. I needed to find a way to bring him back to his universe!

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