Nightmare is gone! Nightmare (part 5)

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Dan's POV

I got up and left the house, I went to the lab, I saw Dr. Tray and Grim. I went up to them and told Dr tray what has been happening to me.

Dr. Tray: What?! When did this start to happen?!

Dan: When Asher dissapeared...

Dr. Tray: I was afraid this would have happened one day

Dan: What do you mean???

Dr. Tray: *Sighs* I didnt want to tell you this when we did the expeirement but... when dream came back he had not swapped with a random person, he swapped places with his brother.

Dan: wait he has a brother?!

Dr. Tray: Yeah... but his brother wasnt as sweet and nice as he is... he manipulates people and sometimes he takes control of Dream...

Dan: Ok but how do I get him out of my head?

Dr. Tray: You need to put him back inside of Dream...

Dan: *Freaks out* WHAT! I can't do that to Dream he doesn't deserve it!

Dr. Tray: Dan calm down!

Dan: B-B-But I cant let Dream go through this! *Calms down a little*

Dr. Tray: Dan... you cant have Nightmare inside of you for much longer

Dan: Why not???

Dr. Tray: Because if he is inside of your body for long he will be able to take control of your body at any time, and he will mess up your intire life!

Dan: *Freaks out again* But I dont want dream to have to deal with this everyday of his life. I would never forgive myself if that happened to him.

Dr. Tray: Dan you need to calm down and call Dream

Dan: B-but I promised him I wouldn't do e-expeirements on him ever again...

Tray then grabbed my phone and called Dream

Dream: Hey Dan whats up?

Tray: Hey Dream I need you at the lab

Dream: Tray? Why do you need me?

Tray: So I can... Nevermind just come quick

Dream: Ok Im comming now *Hangs up*

I grab my phone back from Dr. Tray I started to Freak out because I didnt know if dream would ever forgive me.

Tray: Dan calm down its fine its not like hes gonna kill you

Dan: But what if he does kill me?!

Tray: He wont dont worry

A Hour later...

Dream: Hey Dan, Tray

Dan: H-hi D-D-Dream

Dream: Dan, Whats wrong

Dan: N-nothing

Tray: Dream follow me

Me and Dream followed Tray to the observertory, when we got there Dream asked

Dream: Dan whats happening?

Dan: N-nothing is happening😅

Dream: I know when your lying.

Dan: Fine, me and Tray were gonna experiement on you

Dream: You said that you wouldnt experiment on me.

Dan: I-I know But I have your brother Nightmare inside of my head and he wont come out...

Dream: Wait What?!

Dan: Yeah and hes really annoying!

Dream: He can be like that sometime's, but why do you need me?

Tray: Because, the only way Nightmare will get out of his body is to make him go into your body...

Dream: WHAT?!

Tray: Yeah...

Dream: Ill only do it for Dan I guess

Dan: A-are you S-sure?

Dream: Yeah Im sure

Tray: Step inside of the machines

We both stepped inside of the Machines and I felt Tingly. A few minuts later we both stepped out and I felt nauseous.

Dream: Dan are you ok?

Dan: Y-yeah Im F-fine

Dream: Dan?

I fanted in the lab and I woke up inside of my bed to see Dream

Dream: Dan do you feel better?

Dan: Yeah I feel much better now.

I got up out of the bed and asked,

Dan: Is Nightmare back inside of you?

Dream: Yeah I think so atleast.

Dan: Dream, Do you remember the day that we tested something on you?

Dream: Yeah but the experiment failed. What did something else happen?

Dan: a few days after the experiment I saw you turning from green to red and I got so scared.

Dream: Oh yeah that happens when Nightmare is trying to control my body and most of the time it works.

Dan: Oh well I just wanted to tell you so you can know. Also who was that kid you were talking too?

Dream: His name is Tommy he is the most annoying kid on the SMP.

Dan: But why were you telling him to drop his stuff in the hole

Dream: Because he had gotten exiled from L'manburg, and his friend Tubbo told me to take his stuff everyday so he could never progress.

Dan: But why what did Tommy do that was so bad?

Dream: He kept making this bad for people and he kept on killing people over and over again.

Dan: Really?!

Dream: Yeah, Oh I have to go bye dan Bye Tray!

Dan: Bye!

I walked back home and I finally told Jem Everything not worrying about getting killed by Nightmare

Dan: ...So yeah thats what has been happening, Im so sorry that I didnt tell you sooner.

Jem: I understand Dan dont worry about it.

Me and Jem were now on good terms, I had my Family back to normal I am so happy...

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