My Ex-Girlfreind IS BACK?!

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Narrator's POV

Dan thought that everything was normal now that Nightmare was gone for good, but was he wrong. He called Justin and James and told them everything that has been going on for the past few days, at first they didnt beleive him but he convinced them. One hour later... he was awake most of the night cuz he kept on hearing noises from the outside of his window, but everytime he went outside no one was there. But someone was there, they were just invisible, no one could see them, they kept on messing with Dan. The person then phased threw the wall and knocked over Jemma,

Jem: Ahhhh!

Dan: *Runs to room* What- Who pushed you?!

Jem: I-I dont know it was like they were not even in the room.

Dan was so shocked and Jem was scared they didnt know what was happening. This kept happening for the past few weeks until Dan had enough, one night while Jem was laying in bed scared to fall asleep, Dan was outside near where Jem thought the suspect was going to knock her over. He started to get cold, he felt like someone was watching him he turned around to see the Karen

Karen: Hello Dan, hows it goin'?

Dan: What are you doing here?

Karen: Im here for you.

Dan: How did you get in my house?!

Karen: You didnt really think you were the only one with Super powers did you?

Dan: Wait you- How?

Karen: Once I was in my lab and an experement went wrong, I then got these powers

She then showed off her ability to dissapear, phase, and she even showed her power of telekinesis, Fire, and Flight.

Dan: How do you have so many powers?

Karen: I just do

Dan: Why did you want my attention? And why did you keep pushing over my wife?

Karen: We have a Situation on are hands.

Dan: Whats the situation?!

Karen: There is a person in town that can Hypnotize people. They can do anything from super speed to Death stare, they have everypower in the universe.

Dan: What they have infinite powers? How is that possible?!

Karen: Its not supposed to be possible. But they have this crystal that makes them invincible, so they can do anything, and when this crystal is in the wrong hands that can lead to world domination.

Dan: So what can I do? Im just a normal three super powered guy, and I dont even have good powers.

Karen: No you have Great power's, like you can stop people from using there powers. If the person gets near you, you can make her stop using them powers so they cant do anything.

Dan: But I cant stop all of there powers, at least not at the same time.

Karen: But I can help, if you stop atleast one of there powers then I can destract them, and stop them once and for all.

Dan: We can do that, But how did this person get the stone and who are they???

Karen: I gave them the stone...

Dan: WHAT?! WHY?!

Karen: Because if I didnt, She would have killed me...

Dan: She? Who is She?

Karen: She is your Ex-Girlfreind...

Dan: WHAT?! How did she find me???

DanTDM Meets a KAREN (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now