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Dan's POV

Dan: WHAT!! How did she find me?!?!

Karen: I dont know, but we need to make the chaos stop.

Dan: What Chaos?

Karen: Dan have you not looked on the news?! Kids are getting hypnotyzed from all over the world!

Dan: Wait? What?

The Karen That I found out her name was Emma, showed me that there were kids being reported missing all over the news.

Dan: How is this possible

I started to pace back and fourth, getting really nervous

Emma: Dan, Everything is gonna be fine as long as we do everything in the right order.

Dan: Your right *Stops pacing* but how do you know this will work?

Emma: I just know it will. Now go Jem's waiting for you.

I left Emma and went inside, I went to our room and saw Jem laying in bed I went up to her,

Dan: Jem everything is gonna be ok nothing bad is gonna happen I promise.

Jem: Are yo-you sure?

Dan: Yes, now go to sleep see you in the morning.

Jem: Night Dan.

Dan: Night

I went to the bed. The next day... I woke up and looked on the news, but nothing was happening I thought that Emma was lieing to me until I heard

News Reporter: There a more kids missing all over town i'm here with a women now

Women: My kids have been missing for Three days now Pls tell me if you find them heres there pictures.

The lady shows a picture of three kids one had a brown beanie, on with a badge jacket, The other one looked like he was a hybrid of a pig and the last one was,

Dan: TOMMY?!

I stared at the screen in shock, I then called dream,

Dan: Dream!

Dream: Yeah whats up?

Dan: Have you looked on the news?

Dream: No...

Dan: Well, Tommy's missing!!!

Dream: Wait What? How could Tommy be missing?

Dan: I dont know But we need to find him!

Dream: Ok Ill call him and Ill give you his Number.

Dan: Ok

Dream hung up the phone and I got a text

Dream: This is his number ***-***-****

Dan: Thx

I started to call Tommy But, he didnt answer, I kept on calling him over and over until,

Tommy: Hello Who is this?!

Dan: This is Dan


Dan: Yeah! But where are you?

Tommy: Im at home.

Dan: But, I saw a women on the news saying that she lost three kids and one of them looked exactly like you!

Tommy: Whaaattt Noooo im at home right now

??????: Tommy come on we have to hunt!

Dan: What? Who was that?!

Tommy: Oh that was my brother

Dan: Why did he say "we need to hunt"?!

Tommy: Oh im breaking up Bye Dan!

Tommy hung up and I got worried, I called Dream,

Dream: Tommy didnt pick up for me.

Dan: well he picked up for me, But he kept telling me that everything was fine, Then I heard his brother say " We need to hunt" And he hung up on me.

Dream: I think I know where he is!

Dan: Where is he?

Dream: He's in the middle of the forest

Dan: Why would he be there?

Dream: I dont know I just have a hunch.

Dan: Ok pls find him I dont want him to be in the wilderness!

Dream: Ok I will Dont worry

Dream hung up, I then went to the kitchen.

Jem: Dan who's Tommy??

Dan: Hes this kid that is on the DreamSMP, Dream says that hes really annoying but, I dought that hes that annoying.

Jem: But what happened to him?

Dan: He was missing for three days straight and Dream is trying to find him!

Jem: What?!

Dan: Yeah...

Jem then left the kitchen with shock on her face 😨 I followed her and I saw her turning on the news

News Reporter: Suspects say that they have seen Three kids in the woods, We have the police looking for the kids now.

Jem: How long has this been happening??

Dan: A few weeks I think.

Jem sat down on the coach, I sat down next to her and we both looked at the TV. We saw the kids on TV running away from a house, I didnt know why they were running away, I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw them Building some sort of base in the forest.

DanTDM Meets a KAREN (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now