Album Abroad

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*Harry's POV*

I believed I was awoken by the sunlight protruding through the slightly open curtains but i soon realised that it was the stir of movement coming from something that was snuggled safely in my arms. I lowered my head into the dyed blonde hair and breathed in the gorgeous smell of strawberry shampoo. I felt myself smirk into the hair and the body stirred again. I was happy and content but was snapped from my thoughts when the body turned over. I lifted my smiling fave from the hair and looked at my best friend - Dougie. I remember what had happened last night.

*Flashback - Harry's POV*

I had a long day recording with the band. We are currently abroad recording our new album as the band - Mcfly, that is. Me and Dougie are in attached rooms and so is Tom and Danny - we aren't sharing a room but we have a door between the two rooms because they were cheaper. I had just said goodnight to Tom and Danny and me and Dougie went into our room. We had our own bathrooms but we chose to use Dougie's when we were getting ready for bed so we could discuss the days events - He was my best friend after all. I walked into my room and took my too and trousers off so I was just in my boxers, ready to go to bed. Dougie is more conscious about his body that I am but I think he's perfect anyway. I walked into his room before Dougie had a chance to get his pjs on and he was just stood there in his boxers. I stopped and stared for a second but then mumbled and apology and flashed him a smile before walking into the bathroom. Dougie joined me a few minutes later when he was dressed in shorts and a blink 182 top. I laughed at him before giving a slight tug at his top. I always teased him for his band obsessions but he didn't mind. We chatted about the day, had a laugh and went to our separate rooms.

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