chapter 18

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Jisung rushed to his parents to show them what was happening and they immediately called the police to Chenle's house.

Jisung quickly threw his coat on and a pair of boots as his parents started the car.

He hopped into the car and they drove off.

"I'm coming, Lele," Jisung whispered, staring out the window impatiently.

They pulled to Chenle's house at the same time the authorities arrived.

The front door wouldn't budge open as the police officer tried knocking so he kicked down the door.

Jisung and his parents were left to witness a horrid sight as the police officers handcuff the shocked parents that weren't expecting this to happen.

There laid a naked Chenle on the cold, tiled floors, shivering as Chenle's parents were taken away.

Jisung ran up to his boyfriend and Chenle flinched.

"J-Jisung.." Chenle whimpered, "Everything hurts."

"I know, I know baby I'm so sorry," Jisung felt tears brimming in his eyes.

He didn't want to touch Chenle, afraid he might make the older uncomfortable.

But that didn't seem to be the case this time as Chenle snuggled his naked body into Jisung.

The younger slipped off his coat and covered Chenle's body with it as he held the older in his arms.

The paramedics arrived and gave Chenle a check up to make sure he was okay before heading to the police station to make a statement.

"We're so sorry Chenle. We should've stopped them from taking you," Jisung's mother cried as Mr. Park rubbed her back.

Chenle shook his head with a small smile, "It's not your fault." Chenle's voice was dry from all the crying.

"But still we could've done something," Mrs. Park buried her face in her hands.

"C'mon, let's get you dressed so we can head out," Jisung gently told him as Chenle nodded.

As much as Jisung wanted to practically commit murder, he knew Chenle needed him right now and that the police will take care of everything.

The younger carefully lifted Chenle's swollen body and carried him to the older's room.

He placed Chenle on his bed as he searched through the older's drawers for clothes.

He removed his coat that hung around Chenle's shoulders and dressed him up.

Chenle was too exhausted and numb to even be embarrassed about Jisung seeing his body.

He loves the younger and he knows he wouldn't judge him.

Jisung put on his coat and carried the older out of his room.

He zippered Chenle's coat on, grabbed the older's phone, and headed out to the car where his parents were waiting for them.

They arrived at the police station and Chenle made his statement, Jisung learning that this wasn't the first time his parents had done this to him.

Jisung was angry, but he understood that Chenle was scared and it wasn't a topic that he could just bring up comfortably.

The older has been through so much pain and Jisung wishes he could take it all away so that none of this ever happened to him.

After everything was said and done, Chenle's parents were sentenced life in jail.

They drove back to Jisung's house which was also Chenle's new residency since the male didn't have any other relatives that lived here.

At home, Jisung started a warm bath for Chenle and helped him undress and get inside.

"...thank you," Chenle mumbled, not looking into the younger's eyes.

Jisung sat beside the tub and washed the older's hair.

"No need to thank me. I love you so much. I'd do anything for you," Jisung told him.

It went quiet for a few moments before Chenle spoke up again.

"At the Halloween party..."

"Don't. It's okay. You don't have to speak about it. I understand," Jisung assured the older so that Chenle didn't have to reminisce that pain again.

"How don't you find me disgusting?" Chenle interrogated as Jisung poured a cup of water over his head to get the soap suds washed out of his hair.

"Baby, I could never find you disgusting. You didn't deserve any of this that happened to you. I wish I knew sooner, but I'm glad you found a way to seek for help. If anything, I'm incredibly proud of how strong you are," Jisung smiled softly as Chenle looked at him with teary eyes.

"You mean it? Are you sure?" Chenle sniffled and Jisung nodded his head in confirmation.

"I do mean it. I'm 100% sure. I love you," Jisung pecked the older's nose.

"I love you too," Chenle said as a tear escaped his eye to which Jisung quickly wiped away with his thumb.


Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! As you can see, I'm doing a mini spam to make up from the amount of days I missed. Ahh I hope this makes it up to you guys!

Only one more chapter left!

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