chapter 5

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The sun was shining obnoxiously bright this morning and it annoyed both Jisung and Chenle.


"WAKE UP WE HAVE THINGS TO DO!" Donghyuck hollered, throwing his body on top of the two sleepy boys in Chenle's bed.

Chenle and Jisung groaned, both in sleepiness and pain from being plopped on top of. Jisung sat up, eyeing the grape haired boy who was staring right at him with a smug smile. 

And just when Jisung was about to pound at him, Donghyuck's weight was suddenly lifted from their bodies.

"You're going to get your ass beat one day and I won't be there to prevent it from happening," Renjun stated as he sucked his teeth, dragging the bubbly grape haired boy by the ear and out of the room. 

Renjun came back into the room by himself as Chenle sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

"It's almost noon. We should all start to get ready for the Halloween party tonight," Renjun reminded and the two nodded, Chenle letting his head drop on Jisung's shoulder who blushed at the feeling.

And with that, Renjun exited the dorm room again so that they had time to get ready.

The older was met with a pouty Donghyuck sitting on the hallway floor, his back again the wall of Jeno's room.

"Cut it out," Renjun warned, going to knock on Jeno's door.

"Renjunnie I was playing~" Donghyuck whined, circling his arms around one of Renjun's legs.

"Let go. Stop being so obnoxious all the time," Renjun sternly said, but Donghyuck did not bother listening and only gripped tighter.


The said younger snuggled his face into the shorter's thigh with a bashful smile.

Renjun sighed in annoyance and knocked on Jeno's dorm, the younger opening the door with messy black hair sticking up.

"Everyone is sleepy today, huh," Donghyuck said, catching the black haired male off guard and humming in response.

"Yeah and I wish you were too," Renjun rolled his eyes as he spoke.

Donghyuck frowned and released the older's leg, standing up from the ground.

"Anyway, I'll go get ready now then," Donghyuck said, walking into his room which was the opposite of Jeno's. 

He strolled through, almost hitting Jisung in the face with the door.

"Oh shit! Sorry, I didn't know you were there," Donghyuck apologized as Jisung just walked out the door, squeezing past Jeno.

Donghyuck closed the door behind him, dragging his feet to sit at his desk with his elbows resting on top of his desk and his chin in his hands.

Chenle tilted his head in confusion. Maybe he should mind his business though.

He was just happy he was able to get some sleep last night. It was all thanks to Jisung anyway. Waking up in the younger's arms made him feel weird. It was a tingly feeling he just could not pinpoint.

His cheeks flushed at the thought. He could still feel Jisung's arms wrapped around him. 

How the young was playing with his hair, doing and undoing braids.

How when he felt Chenle shiver, he brought the older closer to him.

How he would caress his cheek softly with the pad of his thumb.

How Jisung was sulky when he had to leave and get ready.

All the previous scenarios continued bombarding his mind. But why?

Why was he suddenly thinking of Jisung so much? This has never happened before and Chenle wanted answers. 

- 🌈-

A few hours had gone by and everyone had ate and gotten ready for the Halloween costumes. Chenle decided on being a clown for the party while Jisung stared at his own custume, a bit embarrassed.

He himself was a fox.

Chenle cooed at the younger and told him how cute he looked in his costume as a blush painted all over Jisung's cheeks.

"Aren't you the cutest little fox?!" Jaemin squealed in his anime costume, pinching the younger's cheeks.

Normally, Jisung would have swatted the older's hand away, but he was too embarrassed that his crush was staring at him like this. He did not know what to do.

"Let's take a photo together!" Thor, or Lucas, pulled out his phone.

He was the tallest out of all of them so he snapped the photo. Renjun was an elf, Donghyuck was Michael Jackson (same hee hee), Mark was partnered with Jaemin's costume, and Jeno was a prince.

After the dozens of photos later, they were finally on their way to one of the frat houses that was hosting the party. They stepped inside, the strong smell of alcohol singed their noses. It was dark and the only thing illuminating the inside were a few red fairy lights here and there. 

Decorative fake spider webs were all over the furniture, skeleton heads were used as bowls for snacks and treats, and some red substance that people claimed to be fruit punch in a plastic 'blood' bag.

Music was blasting through the decorated speakers as people in different costumes invaded the dance floor and in Chenle's opinion, some getting a little too freaky, both with their costume choices and sadly their dancing. How mind traumatizing is that...

"Stay close guys. You could easily get l-" Renjun turned to look at his friends, only to notice they left him there right by the entrance. "-ost.'

Renjun looked around, his shoulders curling in fright. Yeah, he was not too fond of Halloween parties or just parties in general.

He only came because Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Lucas begged him to. Mark and Jeno didn't care if they went or not. Jisung and Chenle just wanted to stay in each other's presence, but of course they never said that to one another. 

The loud, over populated atmosphere was too much for Renjun. He wasn't sure where the others went, but he surely was not going to look for them, afraid of what he would witness. So he stayed right by the door, his arms crossed over his chest. 

He stayed there for more than thirty mintues. Honestly, the older lost track of time. He just hopes his friends are having a good time. 

On the other hand, Jisung and Chenle never left each other's side as they explored the house. Jisung found the older absolutely adorable with how he'd jump a bit when he saw some of the Halloween decor move. 

He made sure to stay close by his side...

but he could not do so for long.

- 🌈-

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night! 💕

I have a Halloween short story coming out tomorrow night! If you could answer my announcement about which ship it should be focused on, that'd be really helpful!

Take care lovelies!
Much love...xx

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