chapter 7

354 22 34

Tw//sexual harassment

Chenle cried.

Somehow the person who was doing this to him was starting to drag him up the stairs to a bedroom.

And feeling defeated, Chenle barely tried fighting him off.

Maybe he deserved this.

There has to be a reason why everything bad always happens to him in the worse way.

"L-let go of me!" Chenle cried, trying to pull his arm away, but no avail.

The other's grip tightened around Chenle as the blonde had tears streaming down his face, messing up the makeup of his costume.

"H-help me!" Chenle shouted, but the other's hand covered his mouth and shoved him into one of the empty rooms.

"Now, now don't yell. I need you to preserve that pretty little voice of yours for later," the other held Chenle's face close to his mouth as he whispered in the his ear.

He started pulling Chenle's zipper of his costume down, sliding the sleeves down as the blonde's bare arms and stomach were now exposed to the chill of the room, causing him to shiver.

The room was dark, no light illuminated.

Chenle felt his heart rising to his throat as his breathing became heavier.

He was having flashbacks to when they did this to him.

It was dark just like how it is presently.

They never let him go, no matter how much he screamed and cried and begged.

And it wasn't just one of them, it was both of them.

He was roughly released for a few seconds, Chenle stumbling over his feet.

But he was grabbed again, this time the man was rubbing something moist on his face to wipe off Chenle's makeup.

Once he succeeded, he smiled slyly, caressing Chenle's jaw.

"I knew you were pretty," he creepily spoke, tossing the wipe to the side.

Chenle's face was clean, no more makeup was left.

It was the perfect view the other thought, seeing Chenle with tears in his eyes, his face red, his lips quivering, so vulnerable.

He loved it.

He held Chenle by his shoulders and pushed him down to his knees, standing right in front of him and making sure to hold the younger's baby-like face.

"Look up at me," the man demanded as Chenle flinched.

Chenle refused and felt a sting across his face since he was now slapped.

"I said, look at me," he repeated more sternly, causing Chenle to reluctantly raise his head and look at him.

"Good, now that wasn't so hard was it?" He mocked with a grin and let go of Chenle's face to fiddle with the buckle of his pants.

Chenle's eyes widened in fear and he didn't know what to do.

If he did do something, he probably wouldn't even make it out of there alive.

But he had to try.

So as the other was doing that, Chenle abruptly stood up and kicked the man in the oh so precious area and ran to the door.

He hastily unlocked it and ran out, fumbling slightly down the stairs to escape.

He pushed through the crowd of people and charged towards the door.

Only, he was held back.

"Chenle! I've been looking for you!" Chenle recognized the voice as Jisung's, but he couldn't bare to feel the touch of anyone so he drew his arm away from the younger.

"What happened? Why are you half naked?" Jisung eyed his naked torso as Chenle uncomfortably shifted at his gaze and tried covering himself, fury raising in his chest.

"N-nothing. I-I'm going home now," Chenle stated.

He knew he should've told Jisung what happened.

But he didn't.

Instead he left the party and never turned back.


Jisung did not want to assume anything, but it was clear as day that something terrible happened to his best friend.

It hurts him to even say it out loud.

He saw how Chenle's cheek had a red hand print on it.

His costume was barely on him.

His makeup was gone.

His eyes were teary and he looked afraid.

He'll never forgive himself.

How could he have been so stupid in leaving Chenle alone?

Now Chenle was probably scared to even be near him and he feels terrible.

He should've stayed there with him or he should've found one of the others.

It was all his fault that this happened and now Chenle will never be the same.

He was angry, his ears turning red.

And when he finds this person that dared to touch his Chenle, they won't be living to graduate.


Chenle didn't deserve any of that :(

Thanks so much for reading! Please take care of yourselves and have a great day/night💕
Much love...xx

Irreplaceable {Chensung} ||Completed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ