chapter 6

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tw//mentions of sexual harassment...

"Hey, cool costume. Didn't know Santa's elves were working early this year." A taller male with black hair and blonde highlights approached Renjun.

He was dressed in a vampire costume, his fangs stuck out and the fake blood dried over his lips. Renjun rolled his eyes. Sure, he may be terrified right now, but he has no shame in repartee. 

"Yeah? Thanks, I didn't know the dead were having a reunion."

The other male chuckled, sticking out his hand. "I'm Yangyang."

Renjun gave a small smile and shook his hand. "Renjun."

"Say, what are you doing here by yourself?" Yangyang questioned.

"I could be asking you the same thing," a voice interrupted and Renjun knew that voice too well.

Suddenly, a black leather jacket was wrapped around Renjun's shoulders, the older blushing from the act and he didn't understand why he felt so warm.

Yangyang giggled again, raising a brow. "I'm Yangyang. And I'm guessing you are this cute boy's boyfriend?"

"Oh no! We're not-" Renjun was cut off.

"Yes, I'm his boyfriend Donghyuck." The grape haired male spoke, protectively draping an arm over Renjun's small shoulders as Yangyang nodded.

"Ah I see. Well then, I'll leave you two be then. It seems like you two have some talking to do," Yangyang smirked and walked off. 

And quite frankly, Yangyang was right.

Once he was out of sight, Renjun shrugged Donghyuck's arm off and glared at the taller.

"What the hell was that?!" He yelled.

"What? He was hitting on you! Couldn't you tell?!" Donghyuck argued. 

"So what?! You are not my boyfriend, I don't have one!" Renjun stood akimbo, his hands on his hips.

"Which gives people all the more reason to hit on you!"

"What's it to you?! Stop meddling in my business!" Renjun shot back. "You always do that! You always put your nose where it doesn't belong and I'm sick of it!"

"What are you saying? I don't do that! I'm just protecting you!" Donghyuck furrowed his eye brows and Renjun scoffed.

"Liar, you know you do! This is why the other month I said I would never date my best friend! Why would I date someone as annoying as you?! I can't even breathe with you around me all the time! YOU'RE SO SUFFOCATING!" Renjun was out of breath from yelling so much, grabbing his head in annoyance as Donghyuck stood there, a shocked look plastered on his face.

Only then did that look turned into a sad smile as a tear escaped his eyes which made Renjun's heart clench at the fact that he made his best friend cry.

Surely, he did not mean anything he said. He was just angry and overwhelmed at the situation. 

"Well, is that so?" Donghyuck's voice cracked as he nodded his head.

"Just so you know, this annoying and suffocating person likes you and has liked you for the longest time."

And with that, Donghyuck left the party. Renjun was frozen, he didn't know what to do or say.

Donghyuck likes him?




Renjun was completely and utterly confused. He felt so guilty for hurting his best friend's feelings.


An hour had passed at the party and it was already dark out, being almost eight in the evening. Jisung and Chenle had eaten a slice of cake, which did not set their stomachs right.

"Le, I have to go to the bathroom." Jisung told him, looking at the way the older's eyes flashed a hint of fear in them.

"Alright, I'll wait right here for you," Chenle smiled, pushing back the anxiety of being left alone. 

"Are you sure? I can go find one of the others to stay here with you," Jisung suggested but the older shook his head.

"I'll be fine, go ahead." Chenle assured him and the younger gave him a worried look.

"Are you sure?"


Jisung nodded his head in reluctance.

"Stay right here and do not go anywhere, okay? I don't want you getting lost. I'll be right back in a few minutes," Jisung instructed the older who listened intently, nodding his head.

Jisung headed straight to the bathroom. Chenle stayed where he was told.

Everything was going fine, until only now did the wave on anxiety start hitting him harder.

He looked around the house, he felt alone. Surely there were hundreds of people in here, but none that he knew.

All his other friends were no where to be found and it was just him and Jisung together.

"Hey you!"

Chenle heard someone call out over the loud speakers and chatter of people in the room.

He paid no attention and focused on the bathroom door, waiting for Jisung to come out.

"You know that's a bit creepy," someone whispered in Chenle's ear, causing the blonde to shiver in fright.

"If you really wanted to get down like that, I'd suggest we head up to my room. What do you say?" The guy seductively spoke, caressing the sides of Chenle's body.

The blonde didn't move. He didn't know how to respond and he remembers from when he responded before, it only ended much worse so he stayed still.

"N-no thank you," Chenle croaked, biting his lips to contain the cries from spilling out loud.

"Why not? It'll be fun," the guy tried to convince the shorter, his arms now wrapped around the blonde's stomach, pulling the cloth that was stuck to his belly.

"Let's take this off, hmm?" He said, gradually moving his hand to the back of Chenle's neck, slowly pulling the zipper down.

"S-stop!" Chenle whimpered.

The guy, who was wearing an eye mask and a skeleton costume reached inside Chenle's clown costume, his hands grazing over the smaller's chest.

It felt all too familiar to Chenle and he hated it. He hated how things like this always happened to him.

He felt disgusted in himself and at the situation.

It's bad enough they had done this to him before, now there's a complete stranger.

Chenle couldn't move. He couldn't bring it in himself to leave, he was froze and he felt numb. He didn't know what to do.

No matter how many times this has happened to him, he'll never get used it...


Yikes, Jisung where you at bro c'mon

Thank you for reading this chapter! Also, happy Halloween! Stay safe out there lovelies. <3

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