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"And with that final run of the entire day, we wait for the judges score to come in." The announcer said into the microphone that boomed throughout the mountain. "Now don't forget, this is Adrian Casey we're talking about. I mean, this girl was an X Games gold medalist at age fourteen, and back in her hometown of Park City she competes in the boys division. This girl is a marvel, and now we wait for the results to come in."

I looked over to where the girl stood waiting alongside her coach who also happened to be her dad who just engulfed her in a hug, and was probably telling her how proud he was of her or something along those lines. I scoffed at the sight of that and turned my attention back to the screen.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me" I said to myself as her score finally appeared on the screen, moving her name right up to first place and securing the overall win. I could hear her cheering and screaming as if it were a surprise that she was going to win. I mean didn't you hear the announcer praising her entire existence? It didn't help that her dad was also a snowboarding legend, his skills and tricks were essentially copied and pasted onto her.

"Unbelievable! She's done it again folks. Adrian Casey has secured her win and is taking home yet another X Games gold medal for slopestyle snowboarding!" The announcer continued as he read her scores aloud and brought the cameras down to her for an interview and close up shots.

I directed my attention back to the beaming girl who was unclipping her helmet and handing it over to her dad to hold to speak to the interviewer. I couldn't stand the sight of it any longer before I decided to look for some of my other teammates who had also been competing earlier in the day. Though, it probably wouldn't take long to find them as they were most likely in the ski lodge warming up before packing up all of their gear and heading home.

I began to push past the crowd of people attempting to make my way to the ski lodge but it was no use as the flow of traffic was pushing me to the awards podium and there was no way I was going to be able to make my way through all of these people at this time, so I gave in.

I watched the awards ceremony for the events that were held today, and that all led up to me watching Adrian receive her medal. Her third X Games medal if I might add. Her smile grew as the medal was placed around her neck, and she pulled her other competitors who placed second and third up to stand alongside her on the first place podium spot to take pictures. She congratulated them on their victories and once all of that was over she ran to her sister Mikayla who jumped and squealed with her in celebration.

Adrian went around taking pictures with younger boarders, and other friends and competitors while I waited for people to clear out. So I could finally get off of this goddamn mountain. After about twenty minutes most people had begun leaving and I was able to make my way back to the ski lodge before the talk of the mountain caught me in my tracks.

"What's the score now, Hemmings? Three to two right?" she called out, noticing me in the smaller crowd of people. I clenched my jaw and turned around facing the smaller girl, who left her sister and jogged to meet up with me.

"For now." I said stubbornly. "I'm coming for you in a couple months at the Open, and you best believe I won't be holding anything back. I won last year, don't think I won't take it home again."

"Yeah, okay buddy" she chuckled, not even batting an eye before coming at me again. "You choked today, so I'll take my chances at the Open. Better luck next year though." She said holding up her medal and sending me a cocky grin before turning around and making her way back over to her family.

"God, I hate that girl" I said to myself before turning around and heading for the ski lodge. 

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