Chapter 14 /Consequences/

Start from the beginning

When you two got outside you finally let go of Sels arm.You was still walking directly to nothingness, Selever trying to keep up with you. "What happened Y/N?" He asked. "Things." You answered stubbornly. "Ayo, stop." He reached for your arm to see a death stare. "Sel, don't test my patience." You said. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I'm worried about you, I need to protect you after all.You can tell me if something's bothering you." Selever said in a sweet tone.You couldn't resist his innocent face and he knew that. "Fine," You sighed. "Just lets get a bit..Further from this place." You said as you started to walk away, Selever behind you.

You went to a chilling cafe place with him.It was chilly outside since you didn't have your jacket.You got inside, then he too.You two drank something and chatted.You absolutely forgot to tell Selever what happened.

You walked out after y'all were done.Sel walked behind you. "Oh, wait Y/N." He stopped you. "Yeah? What happened?" You turned around to face him. "Tell me, why we needed to get away?" He asked. "Oh, yeah," You then started to walk again. "You know, when we was in the car.." You started. "Yeah?" He asked curiously. "Well," You took a deep breath. "Noah touched my private part." You said a bit nervously, a slight pink appearing on you face, because of the topic. "What?" Selever stopped.Y'all were far from the cafe now. "Yeah, then when you went to the kitchen with David, he tried again, but we got in an argument..He also tried when I stood up from the bed and dragged you away." You explained to him.Selever wasn't believing what you just said. "He needs to get his punishment, but if we try to confront him he will just simply deny." He said. "Well, not if we can prove it." Sel looked at you confused.You then took your phone out of you pocket.

"I recorded it." You said confidently.

Back to when Noah started the argument

"What's your problem now?" Noah raised his voice. You knew it's the time and pressed the sound recording button on you phone. "Think a bit Noah! What was that in the car if we are here?" . . .

Back to the present(Or what even it is🥲)

Selever was hearing all the things that Noah told you about him.Then when he threatened you and him, he got really angry and had enough. "Y/N, I have something to do now." He said.You knew exactly what he was going to do.Go to Noahs house and beat the last breath out of him. "Sel, wait! Don't!" You tried to shout.He was already flying off.You started to run to Noahs.

POV  to where Selever is

Selever after five minutes of flying, was at Noahs house finally.He landed roughly and thrusted inside.His eyes were already glowing at a strong shade of pink.He walked into Noahs room and pushed him to the wall out of anger. "You little bitch, give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't  beat the living shit out of you." He growled.Noah was scared, he couldn't hide it. "I SAID TALK!" Selever shouted into Noahs face. "You wouldn't do it anyways." Noah replied. "You say?" Selever tightened his grip on Noahs shirt.David panicked in the background, not knowing what to do.

"You want to protect your little partner, right?" Noah tried to upset him. "They aren't- " Selever begin. "Not you partner? Im sorry, it can be awful to not have them." Noah said. "..They are my friend, I need to protect them and myself.Especially from rats like you." Selever looked at Noah in the eyes. "Im going to cause a kind of pain, that you will never forget." He was ready to punch Noah.David passed out in that moment.

That was when you stepped inside. "SELEVER- WAIT- " You panted.He looked at you, Noah did the same.After a second you looked up.

"Don't go easy on him." Was all you said.

"As you wish, your majesty." Selever answered, then hit Noah directly in the face, some kind of pink particles could be seen.He fell to the ground, groaning in pain.A strong pink colored scar was on his face, that disappeared a few seconds later.You smiled with no guilt.Selever walked to you and smirked, his eyes back to normal. 

"You know it wasn't necessary, right?" You asked, while walking out of the house.Selever chuckled. "You know it's funny." He said. "What?" You asked smiling. "You asked exactly this on the first day we met.When I helped you with your leg." He said.You was surprised, but he was right. "I say what I said back then, Mhm."You just laughed.He did too.

"Thanks Selever." You said.


Phew, this is all for now.

I am truly sorry for not being able to write.I didn't have time because of school and I lost motivation and interest in writing.

But dont be scared, I remembered why I loved writing this book a long ago, and Im back.

My motivations back again and I hope you enjoyed beating Noah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) See y'all in the next chapter (Hopefully soon) :D 

My motivations back again and I hope you enjoyed beating Noah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) See y'all in the next chapter (Hopefully soon) :D 

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Heres a lemon for apology

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