4| Killer

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"She changed, but not overnight like in the books you read. Over years. Slowly and painfully. Sometimes brutally. But she did.
~Unknown Author"


Today's headline:

Another murder by the notorious serial killer, Azalea, bringing the total count to 39.

A 35-year-old Irish businessman was found dead with 10 bullets that were logged outlining the man's heart. His eyes were found gouged out and tongue was severed. One of the many barbaric acts of the ferocious serial murder in which the man's insides have appeared to have eaten themselves.

The signature of abidance by the killer on the deady body, with a folder of documents were discovered laying on the chest of the dead body.

The previous killing occurred two weeks ago, when the body of a 54 year old woman was discovered dismembered and every limb was sealed in an unbreakable glass body that was displayed at the London National Museum, along with a folder of documents revealing the girls smuggling racket operated by the dead victim.

The documents were seized by the police and are being concealed as highly secured evidence, but based on the eerie resemblance to the previous killings, we can already guess that those documents contain the dark crimes of the Irish businessman.

The new death has aroused numerous controversies and debates, along with instilling endless fear in the hearts of citizens.

There is one group of people who supports and wants Azalea to continue the killings of these criminals, while the others believe that the inexcusable and disgusting crimes should be ceased immediately, and this malicious criminal should be arrested and punished as soon as possible.

However, the majority of the public outrage has been sparked from the gruesome nature of the murders, and numerous calls have been made throughout the city to bring the perpetrator behind bars.

Either way, a high security team has been assigned to track down the feral killer who has been on loose for the past three years and has killed a large number of people.

The main question that arises is why our police department is incapable of finding her? Why is our government not treating this issue as a critical matter that requires high alertness?

Why is a cold-blooded murderer still on loose?

Because I'm bloody good at my job, and by the way, I've killed 196 people in the last three years.

Previously, my name was feared only in the underworld. But after a dare from Carden, I killed a man and burned a stamp with my name on it for the world to see.

AZALEA is what you'll find stamped on the forehead of every dead body that I have killed in the last three years.

I obviously didn't mind the killings, but when Avianna discovered that the asshole I killed for the dare smuggled children, she decided the small dare would become a regular job.

I couldn't care less about moral justice, as Avianna puts it to be, but I was always up for the kill, and I know deep down that I thoroughly enjoyed inflicting pain on these scumbags.

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