3| The Cohen's

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"When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching- they are your family."
~Jim Butcher


"We might have a problem." Carden Cohen, one of my close acquaintances, said, and I ignored him as I continued to check and respond to my business emails.

"Comeon Leila, just hear me out." Carden said as he uninvitedly helped himself in the front chair of my desk.

"First and foremost, it is a 'You' problem, and I am just surrounded by an idiot who gets himself into an endless number of problems. Second, I need 'Ashton Mercs co.' merger file on my desk within the next five minutes." I stated, and Carden let out a sound of protest at my first sentence and groaned at the second before leaping out of the chair and sprinting out of my office, most likely to retrieve the file which I already had placed on my desk, right in front of that idiot.

At least, I got my five minutes of peace.

Said too soon...

I didn't bother looking up at the intruder who had barged into my office, after a few minutes of me being alone, knowing that only one other person has the balls to do that, other than Carden.

My other close acquaintance, who happens to call herself my best friend,

But only if she knows, poor innocent soul.

"Why is Carden frantically searching for Ashton's merger file while yelling, "Leila is going to kill me," when I have already placed that file on your desk this morning?" Avianna Cohen asked and I gave her a shrug of my shoulder as I went about with my respective task.

And I just might...

"Anyways, on a more important topic than my idiot older brother, do you at least intend to see your supposed 'siblings'." She asked and sat in the same seat her brother had occupied just moments ago.

"No." I said without looking up, and unlike last night I was particularly firm with my decision.

"Come on, Leila, there's no harm in just meeting. I mean what happened to you has nothing to do with those kids, in fact, there's a good chance that they may have been unaware of your existence until recently. Give them a chance." She said and looked up at her while casually leaning back on my chair as I assessed the redhead in front of me.

She and Carden were also with me at the assassins base. They are one of the good ones, who managed to run away at the same time I did, and because Carden was already 18 when we left, he took Avianna's and my guardianship so we wouldn't have to bother with orphanage and foster homes and since then we have simply stayed together.

Cohen was a last name Carden came up with for the three of us and that's how it's been since.

To think about it, even after going through that asylum, these two siblings still managed to flee away with compassion, along with emotions I had long forgotten.

Even so Carden can be just as crackhead as I am, but Avianna still has a little light in her corrupted heart

But I've only ever witnessed the two of them displaying their troubling emotions in the confinement of us three, which for the most part, I couldn't read.

Avianna is the soul among the three of our impure ones who still shows Kindness on occasion.

Carden doesn't bother, and I simply don't understand that concept anymore.

Anyways; Avianna has no filter or regards to Carden and I's personal bubble, mostly because she or his brother are no strangers to stuff I've been through or what I had done, just like how I'm aware of their own personal skeletons.

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