1| A Deadly Sin

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"Some people survive Chaos and that is how they grow. And some people thrive in Chaos, because Chaos is all they know."
~Chaos| Nikita Gill


The seven deadly sins,

Seven incredibly tempting sins that causes humans to think of endless excuses as to justify the urges to pursue these extremely delicious sins, particularly to feel valuable in the midst of their conscientious shortcomings, and in order to make them feel secure enough to give into the wants of pursuing them.

Whereas most people consider these sins to be abominations to humankind, I carry them as my most prized possessions.

Pride, that depicts my confidence, it boosts my self esteem and keeps me aware of my own worth. I, sure as heck, am proud to be the most dangerous assassin in the underworld, leaving me satisfied by seeing people wanting to stay miles away from me.

The terror that has now associated my name is the only thing that makes me get out of the bed with a sinister smile, the only one I could muster.


"Please, Ms. Leila Cohen, I had no idea you were 'The Azalea', I would have never even thought of crossing you, if I had known it was you. Please, I've a family and kids to support. Please, Madam, I'm begging you, show mercy. I have a daughter who is 5-years-old and a son who is only two-months-old. My wife needs me, my family needs me. I beg you, show mercy." He pleaded desperately, as he crawled away from me, hands clasped together as he pleaded compassion, and water continued to run down his eyes, mingling with the blood from the cuts on his face.

"Azalea, let him go, we'll punish him some other way, he has two childr—." Avianna started from behind me and I cut her off.

"Not my problem–"

I said and aimed my shotgun at his head, and pulled the trigger causing his head to blow off.

Walking up to his dismembered head, a sinister smirk formed on my lips as I picked the head up, and stared right into his wide-open lifeless eyes.

"Should not have stolen from me, asshole." I said and threw the head on his lifeless body before walking out to wash the blood that had smeared my dress.


Humility is one that's supposed to cure the pride of a person but there's no place of humility in my life. It is for the people who follow, not for the people who lead. Being humble will only cause people to underestimate you and the only time people truly value you is when you wear your pride.

Wrath, which is ready to engulf anyone in my way into large flames, once extinguished reduces the victim to mere ashes. There's nothing more menacing than a well-controlled rage.

The longer I keep my anger suppressed, the better off this world would be, because I've a blazing volcano coursing through my veins, destined for an inevitable disaster.


"Azalea, are you out of your mind. You need to calm down."

"I'm calm."

"No you're not, you blew up the entire facility, you set fire to all of their homes. Their families, possibly innocent, were inside as well. Half of Southampton is on fire and you don't look like you are done."

Azalea |18+|Where stories live. Discover now