▪︎ 25 ▪︎

Depuis le début

Precisely at 6:00 AM, I'm outside Beca's house and as soon as I see the front door open, I'm out of the car and sprinting up to meet her. As soon as I'm close enough our arms are wrapping around each other. Seems like I'm not the only one who is excited about seeing each other. Our embrace lasts a while, but is interrupted by Beca's parents who have come out carrying her bags. Her dad helpfully takes them to the car and puts them in beside mine. Her mom though wraps her own arms around us and I know what is coming.

,,Now girls, we want you to be very careful and stay safe, but also have fun. Don't do anything stupid and call us if you need anything. But also I want at least two calls a week, six and a half weeks is far too long for my baby to be away from home."

,,Mom!" Beca is annoyed by this, so to speed everything up I take over.

,,Don't worry Mrs Mitchell, we'll be very careful and do our best to always stay safe. We're gonna have a blast and will back with presents too. If we need anything we'll definitely call, but we're really not planning on doing anything stupid, so it'll be perfectly fine. I already promised to call my family two or more times a week, so we'll be sure to include you guys too. I know it's a long time to not see your daughter, but I promise that I'll look after her and keep her safe." Beca adds her own promise here.

,,We're going to look after and keep each other safe. We're in this together and it's going be great too. Mom, it's only the first half of summer and afterwards, I'll be here to spend the other half with you guys. It'll fly by and I'll be back before you know it. Now go and get back in bed, we have to leave now, but I'll call you tonight and fill you guys in on our first day." She says that well and her mom is listening. The older brunette pulls me into a hug.

,,I know you'll take care of Beca, thank you Chloe." She whispers in my ear making me smile. When she pulls away, I head to the car to give them privacy.

Two minutes later, a smiling Beca gets in the car with her bag. She turns to me with a smirk and says: ,,Well? What are you waiting for Red? Let's go already! We're headed to Florida for some sun, sea and Disney World!"

,,Okay, okay! We're going, but first show me the CDs, we're going to need lots of your awesome mixes for this road trip." She pulls out a bunch of CDs and shows them to me. Right away, I choose the one with Disney written in Beca's happy scroll. She puts it in and I start driving. Now our journey begins and I'm so excited to see what happens.

I've been driving for about an hour now with a quiet, still sleepy Beca, in the passenger seat. I need to do something to liven her up a bit. So, at the next opportunity, I pull off the road and keep driving into a town that I don't know the name of. The change seems to have been noticed, I guess nothing gets past her.

,,Chlo, we are we going? Your supposed to still be on that road." She asks me, sweetly.

,,Well my sleeping friend, we are about to pull into a Starbucks. My travel companion apparently needs some to liven up a bit. You're probably starving, so we'll get food too. I'm kinda hungry myself, a bagel would go down well right now."

,,Oh my god, your the best!" Her excitement is cute and makes me giggle.

,,Yeah I'm pretty great, nice of you to point out." I sass a little for fun.

,,I'll always point it out. Now please don't let there be a checkout line!" I look over briefly to see her holding her hands up in silent prayer. God she is so adorable!

When we pull into the drive-thru at Starbucks, I'm just as happy as Beca about there being no one in front of us. Checkout lines really are the worst! Five minutes later, Beca is practically inhaling her bagel with bacon and cheese, half of her coffee is already gone too. I'm eating and drinking mine a bit slower, but now I'm more hungry, so I know it's not going to last long.
Beca's done first, so she decides to run into the store to get some water and snacks for later.

Love never dies Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant