
They said at the same time, giving my claim even more evidence. I peaked an eyebrow, Viv's shoulders sagging.

"Well, what even happened?" she dug.

"He's just rude." I shook my head, knitting my brows together. "He acted like I was inferior."

"Well, you do get a bit too defensive when you feel threatened." she shrugged.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I snapped. "Why was I even there in the first place?"

She tapped her nail against her mug before answering. "You were so far gone from earth last night. Harry had just gotten to the club when he saw me holding you up in my arms out front. Called us a car and said to take you to his place because it's closer than our flat."

I swallowed, a guilt growing in my gut.

She sighed, leaning her arms on the counter to get closer. "Are you sure you didn't take anything last night? I know you said in the bathroom that you didn't but-"

"No." I gritted my teeth.

"It's just, the night I met you. You remember what you were on." she scoffed up a laugh.

I pushed the chair out from under me, my hands vibrating from vexation.

"We do not speak of that night. And I said no."

She pushed off of the counter, both of us standing powerfully.

"Cmon Alice. I found you passed out in a bush. You were drunk and high on-"

"This isn't about me! It's about your new friend basically calling me a whore, and you leaving me at a man's house with no memory of the night before!" I boomed.

"Are you saying I only fuck whores?" Niall chimed in from the room over.

I snapped my head over my shoulder, giving him a glare. "Not. Now. Niall."

When I looked back at Vivianne, she had a face that I've only ever seen a handful of times before. Concern mixed with angst, a condescending wave radiated off of her skin.

"First off, Harry isn't some new friend. I've known him for years. And Second, no. What this is about is me making sure you don't go back to the way you were. Do you think I don't know how many pills are in each bottle in there?" her words froze me in my spot. She pointed over my shoulder towards the hallway bathroom.

I gulped. I did not respond.

"You aren't taking your meds, but taking my old ones." she lowered her voice.

No air enters my lungs. My heart is in my throat, threatening to crawl its way up and out of my mouth just to fall onto the floor where it can actually reach oxygen.

"I care for you, Alice. Don't fall back. You're better than that." she hissed her words.

"Stop trying to act like you're my mom!"

"I would never be your mother!"

And with those words, my lungs filled like a balloon. If someone could overdose on oxygen, it would be me at this moment. I was at a loss for words. Just staring at my friend with my mouth hung open. As soon as she said that sentence, her eyes widened and her features melted to match mine. Shock.

The entire room was made of glass, and Vivianne just kicked a pebble into it. The air became thicker, besides The Beatles album that Niall put on, the silence became suffocating. Ringing in my ears came back.

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