Chapter 25

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This book is like 2000 words longer than my last book.

Chapter 25

Beijing Hospital

1300 hours

"OK, first, how are you guys alive?"

Erica and I had taken a beating from the fight, and were both lying on hospital beds in a private room. Catherine, Mike, Jessica, Alexander and Cyrus arrived, troops sent by the premier of China followed shortly after. Not that there was much to do other than arrest the bad guys. Cyrus, Erica, and Catherine were the best fighters I knew. They took out the rest of the bad guys in less than 30 seconds. (Erica already knocked out half of them.) The premier of China thanked us over and over again for saving resources and preventing a nuclear war. He even came to visit us at the hospital.

"Well, Catherine went to the cockpit and got us parachutes to follow Zoe. Knowing that she will probably be heading to a SKORPION base." Explained Mike. "I still can't believe Zoe turned to the dark side."

"Neither can I, but I guess she is as bad as Warren."

"Man, you can't trust anyone these days." Mike sighed.

Even though I secretly agreed with him I didn't show it, not wanting to spoil the moment of finding out that everyone was alive and well. So I changed the subject.

"What happened to the other passengers in the plane?" I asked Mike.

"They... well, uhh got incinerated."

I winced, not the best topic to change to.

"So uhh, how did you guys figure out the plot and find us?" I attempted to change the topic again.

"I figured their plot out." Said Mike sarcastically. "We saw where you landed and tried to get in touch with you, but Jessica's mother got there right before us. So we tailed you to the Zhongnanhai, but the guards wouldn't let us in no matter how much Catherine told them it was extremely urgent."

"Yeah, that was because we were having a big spy fight on the roof." I interrupted "Sorry, continue."

"You were?! I wish I was there. Anyhow, we saw you leaving in the premier's car and so we tailed you to the military base as well. Although due to the traffic we lost you, that's why we arrived so late."

"Was Zoe arrested?" I asked Mike, again.

"Yeah, we warned the premier about how Zoe isn't a regular criminal. So he agreed to send him to the Qincheng prison. Which is a top security prison, don't worry." Then thought to add "They are also planning to bring her back to the United States for trial."

"Good, " I said, "great. I still kind of feel bad for her, though."

"You shouldn't" said Alexander comfortingly "Once on a mission in Slovakia, I discovered that my enemy agent was my best friend in kindergarten. Even though I didn't want to do it, I had to kill him for the mission, and so I did."

"I don't think that's true, agent Hale." Said Mike, mimicking me on the plane on our way to Britain several missions back.

"It is." Said Alexander.

"Actually, it's not." Catherine pointed out.

Alexander looked like a puppy who got caught piddling on the carpet.

"Thanks for lying to try and comfort Ben." Mike laughed.

Alexander managed a small smile.

Next chapter is the last chapter, and then acknowledgements.

Spy School: Across the SeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora