Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Inside Zhongnanhai

7550 hours

"Zoe, please..." I started

"Don't you get started on me, you made it clear who you chose. Erica, and no me even though she has lied and used you to forward her career. While I cared about nothing more than being truthful to you, and caring about you." Zoe interrupted.

"I did care about you, I thought you and Mike were a thing!" I said angrily.

Zoe blushed angrily "We- I don't know if we were a thing. I hoped... tried to turn my attention to him when you dated Erica."

"This makes you worse than Warren!"

"I am NOT!"

"You are."

"I am not."

"You are too."

"I am not!"

"You are."

Then one of the five SKORPION agents interrupted our argument "Uh, Ms.Zibbell should we arrest your friends or kill them."

Zoe's face reddened and said "They are not my friends anymore! But yes, arrest them."

That was when another round of guards arrived. This time there were significantly more guards than the amount we fought when we landed.

I did a quick head count and counted around 30 guards.

And since the SKORPION agents were the ones holding guns and looking trained to kill, the Chinese guards went for them instead of us. Our outfit and looks did help our situation as well, no one expects 2 kids to be infiltrating and threatening the premier of China. Intead, we looked like (and we were) victims of SKORPION.

While SKORPION and the guards fought, we took advantage of both sides being distracted and ran away to meet the premier.

We ran down a stairwell and found the premier being flanked by another 2 guards on high alert in the living room of Zhongnanhai.

They immediately pointed their guns at us, but made a horrible mistake. Since there were only 2 of them and 3 of us. They only pointed their guns at Shayla and me because Shayla and I looked more threatening than Erica. Although the guard who pointed his gun at me did try to point it between me and Erica. But Erica recognized this weakness and knocked both guards out within 5 seconds.

The premier of China looked petrified.

"Wh- What do you want from me?" He stuttered.

"Only for you to not fire a missile at the U.S."

"Bu.. But- But they tried to launch a missile at us, and we want to defend ourselves."

Erica pulled out a gun from a holder on her ankle. "I'll explain later, call it off."

The premier now looked like Paul Lee "Ye... Ma'am."

"Now, go do it and if you try to call for backup I will not hesitate to shoot you."

"But if you do, no one else is going to be able to call off the missiles."

"She means somewhere painful, like your leg." I corrected.

"My men are already hard at work, trying to launch the missile. There is always the possibility that no one will pick up. "

"Call them anyway, and make it fast." Erica waved the gun threateningly.

Something clicked in my head.

"Erica! I think I figured out the rest of SKORPION's plan!"

"SKORPION?" the premier of China asked, confused.

Not a long chapter, sad. I know.

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