Chapter 20

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Merry Christmas Eve! I have no idea if i'm updating tomorrow, but I hope I will. If I don't update tomorrow however, Merry Christmas! Also, I usually use this time to play Minecraft but I decided this is more important :) I know my priorities. (Unlike Hermione Granger, comment if you get the reference.)

Chapter 20

Outside Austin's house somewhere in China

0400 hours

"I'm sorry about Jessica." I started, but Shayla cut me off.

"I know what happened, it's not your fault. I had hoped she had made it with you guys." She said between sobs. " You could have died yourself, I think we should be grateful you and Erica made it out alive." And forced a smile onto her face. The smile, well, looked forced.

"I saw that happened on the news" Shayla continued "you were really smart for defusing the first bomb and all, but no one. I mean no one could have thought there was a second one."

"I know... I think the worst part of all is how our team got abliterated, and how the person that planted the bomb was my best friend at Spy School. Before Mike, obviously. "

And when she looked confused I added "Zoe."

"Right! I knew that girl looked sketchy! When I get my hands on her-" Shayla made a violent gesture in the air.

The bodyguard that was working on my handcuff finally cut them loose, and we all hopped on the helicopter.

When me and Erica met at the entrance of the helicopter, she hugged me so tightly that I had trouble breathing.

"Erica! You're choking me!"

"Oh right, sorry." Then smiled. "Where should we head now, smart kid?"

I tried imitating Erica and said "Don't call me that, and I honestly have no idea."



Erica gave me a 'seriously?' kind of look "Let's piece together what we have first."

"Engine starting, please put on your headphones!" Said the pilot, and we put our headphones on.

"Alright, what do we have right now?" Said Erica over the radio.

"Well, we guessed that every hint that SKORPION has ever given us was a bait."

Erica sighed "We know that this is a follow-up of the original Operation:UN"

"And Operation: UN was a plan to pull the world into mass chaos. Maybe the backup plan will do the same."

"Told you you're smart, but they couldn't possibly make money off that."

I suddenly remembered something from the back of the brain.

"When we were leaving for our mission at Tiananmen, a flyer flew into my face and I threw it out. I think it said something about China planning to declare war, and if you think about it. Murray found a file SKORPION had, and it said something about an audit log and access history." I paused and took a deep breath.

"Would you stop doing dramatic pauses like that!" Erica giggled.

Now that I think about it, I do stop a lot when I reveal the plot of the enemy organization. Although I don't do it for dramatic reasons, I usually just check and make sure I haven't missed anything.

"Sorry, uh I suspect SKORPION might want the Chinese government to think the U.S. tried to launch a nuclear missile at them."

"But doesn't SKORPION want to make money like SPYDER?"

"I have no idea on that part, again this is just a guess."

"And your guesses are the best we have. Now here comes the real problem, if what you are saying is true how do we thwart them?"

"Isn't it obvious? We go talk to the premier of China." And then hesitated "Is the premier of China in charge of the military?"

"You clearly didn't do enough research before you came to China. Unlike the U.S. whose president isn't in charge of the military, China's premier is in charge of the Chinese military." explained Erica patiently.

"Good work kids, now does anyone have an idea on how to get in touch with the premier of China?" Said Shayla.

This reminded me of Catherine, and it did for Erica as well, she was tearing up. While she calmed herself I responded for her.

"Aren't you influential around China?" I asked

"Not enough to schedule a meeting in... how long do we have left?" responded Shayla.

"Less than a day." Me and Erica answered.

I never knew the premier of China lived in Zhongnanhai. :/ And I used to live in China, how come that never came up? Hm, you learn something new everyday.

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