Chapter 14

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Enjoy the music- and the chapter. Have fun! (Why did I say have fun...)

Chapter 14

In the air

0100 hours

We have just boarded a plane to Henan and we are all in economy class, so no bonding with Erica. Since everyone was watching, Erica went straight back to her usual cold self. She was watching a movie on the screen on the back of Mike's seat. Everything was going like a normal flight until Zoe went to the bathroom. Well, technically going to the bathroom was normal, but not if you were in there for almost an hour after claiming you were going number one. In addition to that she came back with a lot of bloody scratches on her hand.

"Are you ok?" I asked Zoe

She looked towards her seat and said "Yeah,"

I returned to my seat, suspicious.

"Why do you think Zoe was acting weirdly just then?" I whispered to Erica, after making sure no one was watching us.

"Probably because she's jealous of us." She said dismissively, then returned her attention to the movie she was watching.

I sighed, annoyed at myself for suspecting Zoe to be up to anything in the first place. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, squeezing myself between Erica and her movie and walked to the bathroom. The bathroom was nicer than my seat, although I didn't want to stay in there forever. I was just in there to relieve myself like any person would. Except, my experience didn't go as expected.

There was a bomb on the toilet.

I completely forgot about the fact that I had a full bladder and ran out of the bathroom to find Erica.

"What?" She said, glaring at me.

"There's a bomb in the bathroom!" I exclaimed way too loudly.

Everyone in the plane heard me, since everyone was being quiet on the plane like a respectful passenger. My scream was basically as loud as a loudspeaker announcement, if not louder. Erica, however, didn't question me for a second.

Some people looked like I was some sort of psychopath who sneaked onto the plane, while others freaked out worse than I am.

As it turned out Warren was on the plane with us, along with Ashley. Warren was a spy school student before he turned to the dark side before he got jealous of Zoe liking me instead of him. While Ashley was an evil gymnast who barely made the cut for the olympic team because of a questionable call made by one of the judges, she turned to crime.

Warren's scream of terror was louder than mine, but then again, I had only tried to inform Erica while trying not to be freaked out of my mind.

"WHAT?! I'M GOING TO DIE, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE- mfphmmmmmm" Warren panicked, while Asheley put her hand over his mouth.

Normally Erica would have tried to arrest both Ashley and Warren, but we had a more important and dangerous matter on our hands.

The bomb.

Erica stood up and raced for the bathroom while taking wire cutters out of her utility belt. Then said "We need someone to take care of these two." indicating Warren and Ashley.

Cyrus, Catherine, and Mike quickly ran to them and started subduing them.

"Please don't arrest me!" begged Warren while Ashley tried to fight our team off. Now all the passengers started panicking even more.

"Then stop complaining and start fighting me you woron" Screamed Ashley as she blocked an attack from Catherine.

I figured "woron" was a combination of "weak" and "moron".

I continued to follow Erica to the bathroom.

We entered the bathroom and Erica went straight to the bomb.

"I'll bet you $500 this one isn't going to be easier than the one you helped me defuse before the mission." I said jokingly."You win, but I never agreed to give you the $500." Said Erica

She then removed the casing revealing the rat's nest of wires inside. I took a closer look. There was blood on one of the screws. Something came clear to me, although I didn't have the time express my concern to Erica. I was extremely nervous.Inside the bomb there was a rat's nest of wires; several wires colored (I would say coloured but Ben is American, and he wrote this.) red, white, blue, green, and black were coming out from the timer, which showed 4:47 left, to a lot of explosives and a detonator. 

In the movies defusing a bomb would normally be 2 wires: red or black, but for real life a bomb is a hundred times more complicated. Erica's brow furrowed "This is going to be hard" she said "there are so many decoy wires."

And the worst thing is, we only have 4 minutes left.

I was trying to find a location for the dramatic end of the book fighting, and to be honest. I was extremly surprised that this imformation was public. Thought I was gonna be forced to make it up ;)

Why has theimpossible almost finished her book ;-;

very late edit: this chapter was published on my birthday

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