About this Story

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Welcome back! 

This story is a sequel, so if you have not read the first part, you should definitely go check that out on my page because this story will make much more sense! You can probably understand this story without reading the first, but it would be way better with both!

Anyway, before we get into the story, I'm including the triggers below.

Cursing: There is a lot of cursing in this story as there is a lot in the movies. 

Violence: If you've watched the movies, you'll be fine.

Sexual stuff: Yep. Unlike the last story, there is some sexual stuff in this part. I will put warnings before each scene, and the story will still make sense if you choose to skip those scenes.

I think that's all, but if you notice any while reading you think I should include, definitely comment or message me! 

Final note before we begin: I will update once a week, probably on Wednesdays. I know I updated the last story twice a week, but I've got more on my plate at the moment so... Don't judge me. 

Without further ado, enjoy the story! 

Harley Quinn x Female Reader pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now