Season 2 - Part 7

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He said as he tries to lift the wing, Rayla & Callum came in to help as they managed to lift the wing up enough for Ezran to pull out the ballista bolt.

The dragon turns around to look at the three trying to help her before closing her eyes as she rests.

The trio then heard the neighing of horses as they saw a bunch of soldiers heading their way. Rayla got out her blades.

Callum: Rayla?

Rayla: The humans are coming, we have to protect her.

Callum: Not like this, Rayla.

Ezran: He's right. And we have to get back to Zym.

Callum: Come on, Rayla.

He said, grabbing her hand as the Moonshadow elf reluctantly goes with them.

They hide behind a tree so they wouldn't be seen as Soren & Claudia arrived with a few soldiers.

After a couple of minutes, the trio made it back to the opening in the cliff.

Ezran: Zym! Zym, are you okay?

He called as Zym appeared from behind a rock, running into Ezran's arms while Bait appeared having turned grey in color.

Rayla looked back in the direction where the dragon was and felt bad about leaving her.

Rayla: I should have done something.

Callum: Don't worry, we will do something about it. You and me are going back for the dragon.

Rayla: You mean it?

Callum: Yeah.

Rayla: But why didn't we do that while we were there?

Callum: Well, I wanted to make sure Ez was safe and . . . because I needed some time to prepare myself to fight Soren and Claudia.

Rayla: You sure you're up for fighting against your closest friends?

Callum: No, not really. But I'm gonna do it anyway.

Rayla: Are you absolutely sure, Callum? If you want, I can fight them and you can take care of the other humans?

Callum: Mmmmm, okay. But if you're in trouble, I'll have your back.

He said, his words putting a smile on Rayla's face as well as a faint blush on her cheeks.

Rayla: Thanks, Callum.

She says, Callum nodding in response.

Callum: Ezran, stay with Zym & Bait. We'll be back soon.

He said as the two ran off to save the dragon. Zym wanted to go after them, whimpering as Ezran stopped him.

Ezran: Don't worry, Zym. We're gonna have fun while they're gone. Wanna play a game?

He asked the dragonling as Zym chirped with a big smile on his face.

After a couple minutes running, Rayla & Callum hid in the bushes as they looked at all the humans surrounding the injured dragon, tied up in ropes and chains.

Rayla: You ready?

She asked, taking out her swords.

Callum: Born ready.

He said as the two snuck their way around behind a rock.

Rayla tapped a soldier on the shoulder, he turned around only to get knocked out by Rayla as she pulled him behind the rock.

A second soldier turned around only to get kicked in the face by Callum, knocking him out.

Rayla used one of her swords to cut a rope holding the dragon. She then snuck her way to cut another rope with two guards very close to her not even noticing as they looked in the wrong direction.

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