Chapter 1- Mr.ridge and the deal

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There he sat in all his glory. Matthew Ridge. The richest person in New York, well probably the entire world. I despised him and everything he stood for. He was the worst kind of man, a mafia boss. Someone who killed to get richer and was vile to stay feared. My father however loved him because he did business with him. It was just like every other week my father had made the whole family sit done with "Mr. Ridge" for a big dinner for another one of his big "job" offers. Except for the fact that this time was completely different from all the rest. This was a "job" offer different from all the rest. Honestly it wasn't even a "job" offer this time it was more or less a pay out. As we sat down for dinner all was well. My father, Richard was at the head of the table, my mother, Elizabeth to the right of him and beside her was my younger brother, Ethan. To the left of my father was my Older brother, Jonathan and next to him was me, Ellie. And at the other end of the table next to me was none other than Matthew ridge. After all of the food had been served the business talk had started the same as always like clockwork. Matthew started the conversation saying, "Mr. Remington, I want to know if you have decided to agree to the deal I offered you." "Yes, actually I have and I think you will be rather pleased with my decision." " I'm pleased to hear that. Have you informed her or shall I?" "I have not but I feel it is best coming from me.""Very well then I will step out and give you a moment."As Matthew stepped out I had this gut feeling that something bad was going to occur. And the feeling was right. As my father told me the terms of his arrangement with Matthew I just lost it. I didn't know how to react. If I should run, scream, or cry. The deal my father had made was to marry me off to Matthew. In return my father would receive $500,000 for his "donation" as my father had called it. I just couldn't believe he could do that. GIVE HIS OWN DAUGHTER TO A MAFIA BOSS. I mean I'm his only daughter. Why would he do this? My father had gone on to tell me that I only had two hours to get what I wanted and then I would be moving in with Matthew. I had one more year till 18 so they decided we would marry after that. Meaning I would have a whole year to learn everything about Matthew there was to know.

Hope you like it so far I'm going to try and update as much as possible! Make sure to leave me some feedback and let me know how I'm doing and if you have any thoughts. P.S. sorry if there are any errors I have done a big look through I'm just writing and will probably rewrite once I finish. 

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