Y/n(Synchro): Stop getting distracted

Yugo: I know

(End Flashback)

Yugo: You woke me up

Celina: I end my turn

Yugo I swore that I would win the friendship cup If Rin and Y/n(Synchro) saw me acting so pathetically they would yell at me

Celina: I end my turn

Yugo: You're pretty confident the match isn't over yet which means there's still a path to glory I'll show you I'm STRONG I draw! When there are no monsters on my field I can special Terrortop from my hand and I normal summon Red-Eyed Dice Level 1 Tunes level 3 Terrortop Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Puzzle

Melissa: Yugo completes a wonderful Synchro Summon

Celina: if you Synchro Summoned like that in the first turn. You would've saved 400 life points

however, your duelling is full of mistakes

Yugo: Duelists don't have to be so precise

Celina: What

Yugo: It's true your strong but their too well-mannered judging on how things have gone you'd expect to win but the nature of duels don't always follow the theory

Celina: There's no path to victory without logic

Yugo: are you sure? Go attack Puzzle now I activate its effect once per turn when this card battles a special summoned monster it can double its attack points

Melissa: Yugo attacks

Computer: Course changing

Celina: The Course changes?


Yugo: I can't slow down in time

Melissa: What's going on no-one notified me

Celina: I activate the action spell BIG ESCAPE I end the battle phase

Yugo: Ending the battle ends Puzzles effect

Melissa: When the course changed Celina was able to get an action card

Yugo: Didn't I tell you the road of a duel can change all though that one was a close shave I end my turn with 2 face downs

Celina: Seems like we'll finish this next turn

Yugo: you're still saying that while you may resemble her...You as stubborn as she is

Celina: I draw I summon Lunalight Blacksheep and I activate polymerisation from my hand if fuse Black Sheep with Cat Dancer Fusion Summon Lunalight Panther Dancer and now the effect of black sheep in my graveyard activates when this card is sent to the graveyard and is used in a fusion summon I can return it to my hand now attack

Melissa: Yugo's going to be in big trouble

Yugo: I activate Puzzles effect it can double its attack points for one battle

Melissa: While it may be doubled it's for one turn

Celina: Panther Dancers effect activates this card lets me attack twice per turn for each monster you have on the field

Yugo: The same effect as Cat dancer

Celina: When I use this effect the monster isn't also destroyed on the first attack

Yugo Lp 1600-200=1400

Melissa: Yugo's Life points are down to 1400

Celina: Now puzzle's effect ends

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