MLB and DC

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The Ladybug stood up gaining everyone's attention. She reached for her mask as she pressed down the buttons on either side of her mask as it detached itself from her face. She pulled it off as everyone's eyes widened. They all stood up knowing what was next to come. The batfamily was awed at who was behind the mask.

Marinette: You're from the league of assassins? The league who took my parents away from me? The one who I must seek revenge upon for my parents?

Chat: You guys need to run. I'm not sure which she is talking about but get out of here now!

Viper: We'll hold her off!

Batman: What's..-

Ryuko: Go!

The batfamily finally took off, the rest of the spies blocking Marinette's path. Marinette only had lust in her eyes, revenge as her eyes turned red. "Bee, immobilize her!" the worried cat partner ordered. She called on her powers, Venom! Ladybug dodged as the bee tried to catch her. That's when Chat held her shoulders back, Viper grabbed her stomach and Carapace and King Monkey held her legs.

Bee reached forward but Ladybug freed herself, instead she immobilized Viper. She was then tackled by Ryuko and Rena but it was no use. She pushed them back. When they turned around she vanished. The 'venom' that poisoned Viper eventually wore off as the group went after Marinette.

The batfamily was now a few blocks away from the manor and still going. They arrived on a rooftop but was then stopped as something crash landed in front of them, blocking their path. As the dust cleared, Marinette was revealed. "None of you are going anywhere, especially you, birdie!" The batfam stood back away from the crazed now assassination spy in their usual fighting stance.

Robin: Look, you're right, I am from the league but I'm not the one who killed your parents.

Marinette: No duh. Because it was a man, not a two year old child. But the agency killed that man. So now I have to take two lives even though they already delivered one blow. It must be done by my own hands. After I take you, I'll take your mothers life. It'll be over soon, just you wait.

Jason: C'mon pixie, you don't have to do this. This isn't like you.

Marinette: You never knew me so how would you know?

Marinette stepped closer to the five as they walked back. They were now at the edge of the building, they knew they couldn't escape her. They were cornered. As she was about to strike she was electrocuted on her back. She cried out in pain as Ryuko struck her with volts of lightning. Marinette turned around and countered the attack, redirecting it as it zapped Ryuko instead.

She was stunned falling back but Viper caught her, the other spies launched their attacks. They were all defeated, beaten to the ground. Chat came in from above as he threw the batfamily over to the opposite rooftop of the building across the street. He called on his cataclysm aiming at the roof beneath him and Ladybug. They fell threw. Ladybug emerged from the ruble to see Chat holding up the tranquilizer vile.

She stared at him as he walked closer to her, she not moving a muscle. He was currently in front of her placing the vile into the casing inside the injector. He aimed it at her neck but then stopped. He bit his lip questioning himself. Ladybug smirked with a chuckle. "If you were my target kitty cat, you'd be dead right now. Your contemplation is leaving you wide open and vulnerable."

He stood there lowering the injector. He ticked it into his pocket and held his arms up in a fighting stance. "You have to get through me if you want to get to the kid, m'lady. I'm not letting you pass." She frowned then sighed as she shook her head in disappointment. She then turned her gaze back to him. She launched herself forward and made contact with the cat.

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