Daminette Ending

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Sabine: They're coming for us, Tom. We need to run!

Tom: We can't let them take Marinette.

The two parents picked up their child and their most precious belongings heading out the house, running into the streets.
A dark figure emerged from one of the buildings, following them jumping across the rooftops.

Sabine: Oh no, they've spotted us.

Tom: He's almost here.

They made a wrong turn as they ended up in a cornered alley with no where to run.
They turned to see a man with a sharp blade aimed at them.

Your time is up. You must hand her over or else death is the other option.

Sabine: Please! You can't take her from us!.

Tom: We won't let you!

Then you leave me no choice.

They were slaughter before the young girl's eyes. She was now backed against the wall in an alley. Tears welled up in her eyes as the near end of her life was staring right at her. That's when a sword pierced through his chest, blood splattered on her face. He fell right next to her parents. There before her was another man, the man who saved her life. He bent down, laying the sword on the ground. He reached out his hand.

Boss: I'm sorry for what you just witnessed. Please come with me to a safer place. You aren't safe here anymore. We'll take care of your parents, don't worry.

She bawled out crying as the tears poured out from her eyes. She ran up to the guy as she hid herself in his chest. He picked her up taking her away. She looked back as her parents were being cover with blankets and towed into a jet. She fainted as everything went dark. 
1 month later

Lady: Alright everyone, we have a new pupil joining us today. This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Please welcome her with open arms.

She stood in front of other kids her age. She stared down at the floor avoiding eye contact. She never talked to anyone, she never played with them. She was always alone. Then one day a Girl came up to her. She spat at her saying that she didn't belong there and she needed to leave. Well if you're here too then you have no room to talk, harlot. the young girl talked back (in her head).

The 'harlot' grabbed her clothes and ripped off the bow on her dress as she threw it out the window. Marinette didn't budge. The girl scoffed then left. Lila Rossi, huh? *grin*
Two years later
The agency had returned and was currently filling out some adoption papers as the kids watched, waiting to see who they picked. Marinette couldn't care less. That's when the same bully walked over and told her she wasn't going to get adopted. Marinette stood up and glared at her.

Marinette: Wanna bet, follow me if you wouldn't mind. Or are you too chicken to talk to the lonely girl? *grins*

Lie-la: Hmph, I'm not scared of a brat like you.

She followed her into one of the broom closets, closing the door. Marinette turned to her, her eyes dead. She raised her hands then grabbed her face. "I'll be the last face you'll ever see, Lila Rossi." She stared into her eyes as she felt words fill her mind, thoughts circulating everywhere, her memories being corrupted. Lila began to scream but no one heard nor came to her aid.

Marinette grit her teeth as Lila was now on her knees. She finally released her as she fell to the ground, her eyes widened, wrinkles on her face as if her youth was drained from her very being. Marinette smiled then left. But little did she know that the liar stayed with her. She went back to the front as the agency picked Marinette to come with them. She was surprised but ultimately accepted.

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