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They were off. They were at their assigned destinations. They stood ready and waited. A shadow figure came jumping by across the rooftops. It landed to the back of the building ready to disable the electrical box. "Here kitty, kitty, up here. I knew cats were sneaky..but you weren't discreet at all. Very disappointing." She turned around to see 3 people standing behind her on the roof.

The young bluenette grinned and landed in front of her. The two bats now standing behind her. The villain reached into her pocket and threw something at the ground. Ladybug pulled out her yo-yo and breathed through it as Batman did the same with his mini mouth-breather. Ladybug held her breath as she gave her weapon to the young bird to breathe through. He took it as she jumped out of the cloud of smoke.

She landed on the building roof and scanned the area seeing a cat themed villain swinging across town in the distance. Batman joined her on the roof as well as Robin. She got ready to sprint and soon she was gone, jumping and propelling herself off the walls and rooftops of buildings. The villain landed on one of the buildings, still running, but turned around dodging the incoming attack.

A punch was flung her way. She dodged to the side as Ladybug swung her leg, Cat Woman dodging again. Cat Woman took her chances sending flurries of attacks. Ladybug blocked them backflipping out of the way. Batman flew into the battle now as he casted some of his batarangs at her she dodged but almost didn't see the sword that came her way behind her. She jumped out of the way.

In the corner of her eye a punch was coming. She grabbed it and pulled Ladybug over her shoulder and slammed her into the ground. She groaned softly but then pushed off the ground, her legs aiming for the cat that stood above her. She moved out of the way, Ladybug continuing her attacks. As the villain dodged and turned back around, she wasn't there. She appeared again and swung her leg at her.

She was now launched back into the wall behind her. Her back hit the wall. She regained her focus about to run off but was met with a sword at her throat and two persons in front of her blocking her path. She sighed as she surrendered, her hands raised in the air. Batman cuffed her and carried her away after calling for the commissioner. Batman walked her away from the two teens down the rooftop and onto the ground once more.

Cat Woman: Why such a tight grip, dark knight? It's not like I'm going anywhere.

Batman: I can make the grip tighter if you want. No amount of 'sweet talk' is going to get you out of this.

Cat Woman: I have my ways *winks*.

The commissioner arrived under 5 minutes and took her away mentioning the disaster at the bank. They were off. Before Batman took off he turned to the cat in the window of the car. She mouthed something to the vigilante. The commissioner drove off as the bat's eyes widened in disbelief after figuring out what she said. He took himself out of his thoughts and caught up to his teammates.

When they arrived the entire placed was surrounded with ice and snow, a winter wonderland. They walked in hearing the commotion coming from the hallway further down. They came across an open container but there was ice that blocked the entrance.

Ladybug: Chat, You in there?

Chat: M'lady. Is that you?

Ladybug: Who else would it be, moron.

Batman: What's going on in there?

Nightwing: Don't worry, Captain Cold is secured. But we don't know how to get out of here.

Robin: Did you try the..-

Red Robin: Explosives? Barely even made a dent. Even though the layer of ice is thin, there's no getting out of here.

Ladybug: Cat, can't you try..-

Chat: Yeah..about that..I already used it on this guy's weapon so... yeah.

Red Hood: About that, how did he do that?

Ladybug: *sigh* It's called a 'cataclysm' meaning that it's a destructive power. Assassins and some high level spies are able to use some very rare and unspeakable abilities. That was an example of one of them plus our agility and speed.

Red Hood: So...bats...can you do that?

Batman: Ehh..I'm a bit rusty, but the things they were pulling off, I never knew existed back then.

Robin: All I know is how to swing a blade and kill so I can't help.

Nightwing: So I guess we wait for this stuff to melt then..?

Ladybug: Ugh...everyone stand back. I'm gonna get you outta there.

Chat: Don't tell me your gonna try..-

Ladybug: What if I am? As I said stand back.

On both sides of the ice wall, the team stood away from the ice and the young spy. She cracked her knuckles a bit and shook herself up and down. She stared at the door taking a deep breath. Collision! She ran towards the door her fist made contact. A second later the ice broke and she fell threw, rolling then standing up, shaking her hands. The ice wall was no longer there. They were all awestruck at her power.

It made them want to be assassins and spies themselves. Nightwing brought the criminal up to Batman as he again called for the commissioner who arrived almost immediately taking him away. The group 1 team climbed out of the container and met group 2 that was standing outside. The batfamily all looked at the two so called spies. As the batfamily now looked at them, their eyes...changed... Something sinister and to an extent, danger colored them.

Bruce: Ok, you're going to explain all of this when we get back to the cave. What you've both been doing isn't natural.

Ladybug: *giggles* Then again, nothing in this world is truly natural.

During the drive back, Batman seemed distant after the arresting of the Cat criminal. As he drove the bat mobile with his sidekicks, the two spies ran following behind them across the rooftops. He thought back to the time when he was with the so call 'Cat Woman'. She lip synced something to him. He remembered.
Cat Woman: Why such a tight grip, dark knight? It's not like I'm going anywhere.

Batman: I can make the grip tighter if you want. No amount of 'sweet talk' is going to get you out of this.

Cat Woman: I have my ways *winks*.

Before Batman took off he turned to the cat in the window of the car. She mouthed something to the vigilante. The commissioner drove off as the bat's eyes widened in disbelief after figuring out what she said,

"See you soon, Bruce Wayne."
They just got back to the batcave unwinding from the their mission, Alfred offering them a drink. They all sat down and focused on the two spies in the group; Cat Noir sitting on the railing while Ladybug laid back on a bench looking up at the ceiling. Nothing but complete silence.

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