Chapter 1

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Mattheo Riddle is not related to Bellatrix Lestrange in this book. He is only related to Tom Riddle. And he'll be a year ahead of the golden trio.

I ran to my dad,
I said" Hi, dad!" Then ran again as Harry and Ron chased me," Bye, dad!"
Dad yelled" What did you do, Jasper?!"
Harry yelled" He won't be doing much when we catch him!" I laughed evilly and climbed up a tree, smiling down at them, breathing heavily.
Ron yelled" Get down here, Jasper!"
I yelled" No!" Then my dad and Uncle Prongs walked over,
Dad said" What did he do before you two kill him?"
Harry said" Notice anything different?" Dad noticed their hair, being switched, I laughed as he chuckled, then shut up as Harry slapped his chest.
" He switched your hair color. So? He's done far worse."
Ron said" And he knicked our wands so we can't change it back."
Uncle Prongs said" Hell, he's just like you, Sirius." Then I saw my Papa, I smiled mischievously,
Papa said" What did you do, Jasper? Oh, Ron, Harry, your hair."
Harry said" I'm gonna kill you, JJ!"
I said" Then I'm not coming out of the tree, Harry!" He started climbing up, I yelped," Shit!" The adults started laughing as I panicked, I slid down as he climbed up and dodged Ron. Then my dad grabbed me," Dad! Dad! Let go! They're gonna kill me!"
Dad said" No, they won't." Harry and Ron ran up, each smirking,
" Yeah, yeah they are!" I squirmed, trying to get out of his grip to run for my life then Harry grabbed me." Hiya, Harry!" Then I saw Ron holding a dungbomb, I gulped," You don't wanna use that on me... right?" They both smiled then Ron snatched their wands and released the bomb on me. I screamed and ran, I heard them laughing," I hate you both! Hermione is my favorite again! I'm gonna kill you!" They started laughing, I threw it off me and disarmed it, I breathed heavily then gagged as I caught whiff of the scent coming off me." I'm gonna puke!" I gagged again, and again, till I emptied my lunch onto the ground. I coughed, tears welled in my eyes, I heard my dad and papa yelling my name but I couldn't focus on them. I was caught before I could hit the ground,
Harry said" Sorry, JJ. Didn't mean to make you sick." He pulled me back, we both landed on the ground, I focused back onto the world.
" It's fine. I totally deserved that dungbomb, good prank. You are learning a thing or two." I undid the hex on their hair and it turned back to normal, they laughed.
Papa said" You sure you're all right, Jasper?"
" I'm fine, papa!" I stood up," But I am plotting my revenge." Harry and Ron gulped, then nodded their heads,
Ron said" Fair enough. Just no body hexes this time."
" Fine! You're no fun!"
" Last time you plotted revenge, Seamus and I were attached by the hand for 7 hours!"
" Well, you should have known not to wake me!"
Harry said" He is right, I grew up with him and I still don't wake him up." I smiled proudly,
" See! He knows."
I screamed in pain as I started transforming, I dropped to my knees, then to my side as I faded out and the wolf took over.

Sirius' POV
I watched my son and husband change then looked to James in his stag form, I watched my son curl up and whimper, I walked to him, keeping my body low as I got to him. I licked his face, he growled and whimpered, I'm right here, son, and I'm not going anywhere. I stood up as Remus went to take off but James stopped him, we tried to keep them close together if possible unless one of them was particularly angry. I looked up at the moon, then things went hectic as they both reacted to a noise deeper in the forest around us.

I watched my son change back, he collapsed onto the ground, I covered him with a quilt, wrapping him up and lifting him up. I saw James helping Remus get dressed, I walked over to them,
I said" Let's get back to the house, Remus."
Remus said" Is he all right?"
" He's fine."
" He's bleeding."
" I know. And I'll care for it once you're both in bed." He nodded, James wrapped his arm around his stomach and they began walking.

I laid Jasper down on the couch, I pulled the blanket down a bit and looked at the damage done. Harry and Lily ran in,
Harry said" Are they okay?" James came back into the living area,
He said" Remus is asleep, have you healed Jasper yet?"
I said" They're fine, Harry. Episkey." I pointed my wand to Jasper's body, it healed the wounds, leaving behind the fresh scars. Jasper grunted then slowly opened his eyes," Hello, darling. How are you feeling?"
He mumbled" Tired..." His eyes closed again," Where's Papa?"
" In bed, you're on the couch. Want to go up to your room?" He slightly shook his head, and held his arm out to Harry, Harry walked to him and sat at his head. He laid his head on Harry's lap and dozed off again," You all right here, Harry?" He hummed and began reading a book, he was used to this after many years. James, Lily and I walked into the kitchen,
Lily said" Are they okay?"
" Remus only woke with a couple scrapes, he'll be fine after he rests. Jasper was a bit more reckless and clawed himself across the chest."
" Oh, my god."
" He's fine, I stopped it before it could go too deep, it'll only leave a scar." Then Molly and Arthur came in,
Molly said" You rest, I'll make breakfast." My mouth gaped,
" I-"
" Sirius Black."
" Yes, ma'am." I sat down with a huff, James snickered at me, I raised my finger to him.
" You too, James Potter." James sat next to me without a word, I snickered, he hit me upside the head. Their children came in, she shushed them, Ginny and Ron walked to Harry.

Jasper's POV
I heard Ginny ask" Is he all right?"
Harry said" Yeah, 'course he is."
I mumbled" Don't lie to the poor girl, Bambi. I've got a new scar, I can feel it against my skin." I opened my eyes, staring into his blue eyes, he sighed,
" You all right, mate?"
" 'M fine, Harry." I slowly sat up, grunting as I did, Harry's hand on my back,
Ron said" Should take it easy, mate, had a rough night and all."
" I'm fine, hell, not like I'm used to it or s'thing." I wrapped the blanket around my waist, then stared at stairs in vain, knowing very well I couldn't climb them on my own.
Harry said" Need help?" I stayed silent for a moment then slowly nodded my head, looking down. He walked to me, grasping my arm as we made our way slowly up the stairs.
Aunt Lily said" Oh, be careful!"

We got to my room, he turned around as I changed into clothes, wincing as the material of my shirt slid across my sore skin.
I mumbled" Fuck..." I whimpered,
Harry said" Just don't wear a shirt, Jasper, it's fine."
" No, I don't like being shirtless."
" Stop being insecure, you've got nothing to be insecure about."
" What about these?" Gesturing to my body, covered in scattered scars," I can't just stop worrying about them!"
" I know... I'm sorry." I sighed, then realized I totally snapped at him,
" Sorry."
" It's fine, come on, you can't wear a shirt right now." He draped a blanket over my shoulders," That should do, yeah?" I nodded my head,
" Thanks."
" Not a problem!"

We were eating breakfast, I was staring at the food slightly with disgust, my body was aching and I was extremely tired.
Dad said" No appetite?" I nodded my head slowly," How about we go up to bed and get settled in, how's that sound?" I nodded my head again, no strength to answer him with words." All right." He helped me up and led me upstairs once again.

He laid me down, tucking me in under my blanket, my eyes drifted shut immediately and I began falling asleep.
Dad whispered" Sleep well, little one."

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