I Love You For Your Own Self 💞

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It was 1st of January

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It was 1st of January... The first day of 2022 and the day from which the interns would join the office...

The interns stood in the hall waiting for their boss to come...

Alot of whispers were heard.. People were talking about their boss...

Girl 1: I heard that our Boss is very strict..

Girl 2:  yeah... But there were many rumours that he was not like this before..

Girl 1: what do you mean?

Girl 2: yes.. I read many articles about him.. he was a very loving and humble person.. not like he's not humble anymore.. he's..but.. He has changed himself completely... He's very strict and arrogant ofcourse..

Girl 1 : but why ? I mean why suddenly?

Girl 2: after his wife's death.. he has completely changed himself.. after the death of Bela Sehgal Mahir Sehgal is not that Mahir anymore..

She said sadly..

Just then a man walks in wearing his black goggles.. he was in his mid 50s ... But looking at his physique and looks girl still drools over him...

As he stood on the stage the husb bush  vanished Everyone stood there in silence...

A man: Mahir sir these are the interns.. that we chose from St.Peter's final batch..

The man was none other than Mahir Sehgal..he stood there with a straight face..

Mahir: Good morning everyone.. as we all know that it's the first day of 2022 and also the first day of your job.. the job is not permanent yet.. Your work and determination will show how many of you will make your permanent place here... We are expecting 100% of contribution from you all..  no extra activities will be encouraged.. the moment you enter here you should behave like the Sehgal's employees.. you present hardwork will determine your future.. you all are mature enough to know what's right and what's wrong... Behave wisely.. All the Best..

He left the stage nit glancing at anyone and with that the crowd disappeared..

Mahir went to his cabin and settled there.. he looked at the photo frame that was placed on his table..

He looked at it with blank expression.. tears were threatening to fall but he blinked back not wanting to cry ...

He pressed the intercom and a men entered the cabin..

Mahir: what's my schedule for today Rajesh?

Rajesh his PA took out his notepad and informed about his schedule..

Soon enough he went for his meeting and 4 hours went in that..

He came out and sat on his chair when his phone started ringing..

The screen flashed with Vish's name..

Mahir: Hello..

Vish: Mahir.. where are you?

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