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*The Next Day*

Marco's POV

It was a bright sunny Monday, and I decided to take Y/N to school. I walked to her house and knocked on the door. After a few minutes I heard no response so I decided to ring the door bell. I checked my watch and it was currently 7:50 am. I started to tap my foot, patiently waiting.


I didn't sleep at all last night. My stomach felt nauseated, and my brain swelled with stress. I finally got out of bed, and just slipped on a black t-shirt with f/b, and a pair of ripped jeans. I began to grab my phone, and head downstairs. I could barely focus on anything, so much that I didn't even realize I poured orange juice in my cereal instead of milk. Oh well, wasn't gonna eat it anyways. I pushed it away and continued thinking to myself.

How does Toffee know that I'm not from here? Why does he want to visit my world so badly? How does he KNOW he's a cartoon?!

My thoughts were interrupted by a doorbell. I quickly sprang out of my chair to go grab it.

I opened the door, and it was Marco. Just looking at him my stomach started to turn. Knowing I couldn't say anything to him hurts me. Knowing I may lose him, kills me.

"Hey Diaz!!!" I smiled at him.

"Hey N/N!" he said with a positive attitude. "Wow you look great!" He thought for a second, and stuck his thumbs out. "A+!"

I laughed, and rolled my eyes smiling. "Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

Marco chuckled. "I uh, wear this everyday N/N." He blinked.

"Babe, I know it's a joke." I casually walked past him on the way to school.

Marco's POV

did..... did she just call me babe?

I stood there shocked, at her boldness. No girl has EVER called me that before. Star didn't call me it, Jackie didn't call me it, Kelly didn't call me it, but she did?

I needed to say what I felt, since we just started dating.


I walked into the school happily, and looked around. I all of a sudden felt a light pull on my shirt. I turned my head and saw my boyfriend, who looked a little.....nervous?

"Babe.... what's wrong?"

Marco shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat. "Y/N I know we just started dating and all..."

"Mhmmmm" I grab his hand with a tight grip and walk with him.

"But can you not call me that? I-I'm a little uncomfortable with it since we just started dating and I don't really know you that well yet." He smiled nervously.

My heart tightened at his words a bit. "Oh.... yeah I'm sorry."

"Hey N/N it's ok-"

I let go of his hand and just walked off.

Marco's POV

I knew that was a bad idea! But it's true! I don't really know her that well yet. Nice going Diaz, you made her mad.

I sighed, and knocked my head against my locker a few times.

I heard a locker open next to mine. "Marco?"

I looked up. It was Star. It's been a while since I last saw her.

"What's uh, what's going on buddy?"

I groaned, still resting my head on the locker. "Y/N called me babe, and she seemed a little hurt that I told her it made me uncomfortable and she walked away."

Star's POV

This is why he's like this? Come on Diaz, man up. It's just a word.

"You're acting like this is the end of the world." I muttered under my breath.

Marco looked at me for a second. "You say something, Star?"

I smiled closing my locker and beamed. "Nope! have a great day!" I walked away from him and rolled my eyes.

If I'm gonna be honest, I was still mad at him. Mad at the fact he just left me at the dance with no ride, no apology, nothing. I should hate him but I don't want to. I could never.

It's just every time he talks about her it reminds me of how I treated him. It reminds me of our past. When we were best friends, and super close. Before she showed up.

Trust me I love Y/N, I do. She's sweet, kind, and very nice to me.


He cares more about a girl whom he met a month ago, instead of his best friend who he's known for 4 years, and not even that, sacrificed their own WAND for them- the most powerful thing that they possessed.

Yeah. That hurts.

I Love You For INFINITY. ( A Marco Diaz X Reader Sequel) (INCOMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now