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It's been five years since that incident of Jungkook. We let Wootak's parents go with him but he insisted on helping me with my mission. We all went to the past, my uncles in the past were shocked but eventually after knowing the magical truth everything came back to normal.

Seo, Jiho, Chan, me and my brothers graduated our college and we are now doing our business. For the past years with the studying and leaving mafia business slowly, we practiced martial arts, sword fighting, horse riding, and many more in the past. 

Chi and her brothers with Jae also visited the future and were very excited, surprised, and shocked. They eventually got adjusted to everything and started learning the future and started using guns. It was all going well. 

Now comes the business we hold in the real world,

Jin has a whole huge restaurant, he had learned business but had an interest in acting. He tried out for acting in a drama and instantly got selected. He has become very famous for his cooking skills making him open a worldwide business and due to his acting, he was called in interviews and also to many shows winning awards or conducting the show as the host. He now slowly is leaving the underworld and focussing on the real world where his fans are.

Yoongi is born for music. He also learned business but music got the best of him. Jin, I, and Hoseok convinced him to leave the business world and go for music which he was the most into. He then succeeded in winning his fans with his hit singles and albums and now is a strong, handsome worldwide star. He is leaving the underworld slowly.

Hoseok is a famous choreographer which all the idol companies wanted. He first started with his now-famous youtube channel and grew his popularity in the span of two full working years. Graduating from his college in arts, he instantly got many proposals from a variety of companies to be their choreographer. He was also slowly leaving the underworld. 

Namjoon started a business of clothing with Jimin. Namjoon's goal was to become an author, he succeeded in doing that. He wrote a very popular book called "Time traveler" which became a series and sold millions of copies around the world. He also wrote some lyrics for some songs which Yoongi and Jimin sang together. He then started a business along with his books with Jimin. Slowly like his brothers, he and Jimin are leaving the underworld too. 

Jimin is into singing, he is composing and producing many songs with Yoongi, and with his unique voice, he gained many fans. But this was only his hobby. He was into fashion designing and after studying in its course and learning a bit of business, he started a clothing company with Namjoon. Due to both of them being a celebrity, they got attention, and people actually started liking their clothes. 

Taehyung was becoming a great actor and traveler. He didn't actually graduate college, to be honest. He auditioned for a drama as a dare and immediately got selected. He worked in the industry for two straight years and gained attention easily with his angelic and eternal looks. He took time off and now is traveling around the world posting pictures on his Instagram and enjoying his life slowly leaving the underworld.

Jungkook didn't exactly have a dream, but he wanted to inspire people. He knew to almost do everything but recognizing his euphoric voice, Yoongi told him to try singing and he did and got instantly hit by many fans. With his perfect body and cute face, he inspired many fans with his singles. He also became a model and this was a huge advantage to him. He let go of the underworld long ago. 

Now to us.

Seo is training in becoming a surgeon and last month she did become an actual surgeon. She got many opportunities in different hospitals as she was a talented surgeon. She is now a surgeon in a huge hospital in between Seoul city. About her family, well her parents divorced and her mom now lives with Chan's mom in the village, well Jiho's mom.

Jiho on the other hand is a cardiologist who also works in the same hospital. He also is training other students to perform certain surgeries and is quite an idol for some with his looks. He left all the underworld stuff with Chan to their uncle who accepted it without a question. Jiho and Seo are living with us as we shifted into the city. Their relationship has grown more and more into a very healthy and strong one. They love each other. So they married each other before itself with of course Seo's mom's permission

Now I and Chan have an unexpected turn. We both started an art gallery in the city with our paintings and others too. It was a hit and the paintings of our company are selling worldwide with great influence. But Chan was also interested in car races and is a very famous car racer. Winning awards, he succeeded a lot. Due to my looks, I got proposals for modeling and acting. I did act in two dramas with Tae and Jin Hyung. I now am advertising for products. Our relationship is beyond what we imagined.

But the strange thing is...... our enemy didn't even attack once on us in these five years, not even his son. I was of course surprised but also suspicious. 

But the sad news is that the queen died, yes, she died. Chi and my uncles were devastated but continued to live. Even in the hard times, they lived smiling so that their mother will be proud of them for being strong. Chi and Chan in the past got married like their brothers. Seo and Jiho too got married.

In the present world, Jin and Hoseok got girlfriends. Hoseok is dating Taeyeon of GG secretly but they seem to be liking each other a lot, their relationship has been for two years already. Jin's girlfriend's name is Minah, they met when they were working in a drama. They started dating after a year of their meeting and both liked each other a lot. They were dating secretly but told their fans after seeing them shipping both of them together. The fans understood them and even though they got a bit of hate, they never broke up but strengthened their relationship. 


Author- Well surprise!

Double update for 600 views!!


I just thought it would be better if they grow up a bit

Sorry for any mistakes

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