Somewhere in Nevada...

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You sighed as the end of the school day was almost over. The last few minutes always felt like an eternity for you. You sighed and then proceeded to pull out your phone to browse the internet. Opening (browser name) and going to the news section out of pure boredom. A news title catches your eye "Nevada Underattack by Hank J. Wimbleton". You click on it and a picture of a man in red goggles appeared. Proceeding to slightly scroll down read "Another facility is raided by the man known as 'Hank J. Wimbleton.' Mass murder happened in the facility and the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton had this to say 'We are doing our best to stop Wimbleton.'" You chuckled at the statement thinking how dumb it was "'We are doing our best". The rest of the news article went into detail about how the facility was broken into and it was apparently through an air duct.

You felt a slight tap on your shoulder and it was (friend's name). "Hey (Y/N)! What're reading?" they asked. "Just reading about the stuff that's happening in Nevada." you replied while simply shrugging. Your friends eyes slightly widened after hearing that. "Oh! You're interested in what's going on in Nevada?! I'm currently doing a research project on it!" they said excitedly. they continued to say "I think the A.A.H.W are the bad guys. Everyone thinks that it's in the right but I think Hank is in the right!" You titled your head in confusion "What's the A.A.H.W? Also no I'm not interested in Nevada" you said. "It's the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton and you're not interested in what's happening?!" they asked.

You shook your head in response. "It's not affecting me in the slightest so I don't care." you said nonchalantly while shrugging. (Friends name) cocked their head to the side in confusion. "I mean it's a big deal... an agency that somehow has an entire state on lockdown! No one is allowed in or out! Not even the government knows what's going on in there!" they yelled excitedly. You just shrugged again and the dismissal bell rang allowing you freedom. "Well it's time to head home." you said. Your friend nodded as you stood up and the both of you made your way to the front door of (middle schools name).

"Are you that sure that you aren't interested in Nevada?" they asked one more time. "Yes (friend's name) I'm not interested in what's happening in Nevada. It doesn't concern me neither should it to you." you stated while walking out the door. Your friend nodded slightly as you two made it outside. "Well (Y/N) I'll see you later!" your friend waved. You waved back to your friend and proceeded to walk in different directions to make your way home.

As you started to walk a queasy feeling built in your stomach as if you were being watched by someone. You looked around and nothing seemed out of the ordinary but something caught your eye. It was a grey van and it seemed to have a man wearing sunglasses with a business suit in it. He was talking over the phone with someone as he looked at you. This caused you to pick up your pace as you chalked it up to paranoia but deep down you felt something was wrong. As you were about to turn the corner you saw the van start driving... the direction you were going in.

You started running towards your house as you felt something was going to happen and your house was three blocks away. Taking out your phone you decided to call your mother and after a couple of rings she picked up. "Hello?" she asked. "M-mom I feel like I'm being followed. A grey van is heading towards me." you said in a panicked tone. "(Y/N) how far are you from the house?" she asked sternly. "Like three blocks... mom I'm scared" you said while you ran. "Listen to me. Is there anyone around you know?" she asked. "No I don't see anyone... mom whe- " A hand grabs you by the mouth and torso causing you to drop your phone. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! You there?!" you hear your mother yelling.

You look to see a man wearing a mask with one yellow eye with a suit holding you. "I got the target. Let's go!" he said. The man proceeded to drag you towards the grey van and you then screamed.  Tears streamed down your face as he got closer to the van. You yelled as his hand clamped down hard against your mouth. You started to struggle against your attacker hoping to at least fight him off but then proceeded to hit you in the stomach. "Stop moving you little shit." he said.

You started to sob as he got closer to the van. Your vision got blurrier as tears started to block your vision. He finally made it to the van and two men wearing glasses shut the door. The man with one eye then gagged you with a cloth. While also with the process he handcuffed your feet and hands. "Alright go! GO!" he yelled. You felt the van start to move as it rattled and took off. "This is Agent 1207 calling in. We have the package. Heading to facility 12. Arrival time four hours." a man said.

You looked around to see at least twelve men in the van with you. They were all wearing different attire but some had the same on. Some were wearing visor-like masks, some had glasses, and some had a single yellow eyepiece. It was hard to tell what was going on but soon exhaustion took you... tears continued to stream down your face as you closed your eyes...

Waking up to a loud thump you hear yelling. "Hostile spotted! Closing in." a man said. It was dark out by now but you could hardly tell where you were. You feel the van come to a stop and the doors open. "Close in on the target! DON'T ALLOW HIM GET THE PACKAGE!" one of the yellow visor men yelled. All twelve of the men rushed out of the van with guns and then something you didn't expect to happen.

Multiple gunshots... and yelling. "MAN DOWN! MAN DOW-" BAM! A loud shot could be heard. You heard more bullet shots and yelling. It seemed someone was killing off the men and you hyperventilate. Hearing no more yelling or screaming... the car door unlocks and the door begins to slightly open. Tears begin to stream down your face as you realized what happened. The mystery attacker was opening the door.

The door fully opens and you see a man wearing red goggles, a black mask, a bandana, and a closed trench coat. The man was at least 6'2" ft and was decently built. He looks at you and proceeds to grab you. "Alright kid stay still." the man said in a serious tone. He grabbed your mouth binding and untied it then along with the handcuffs. He then brought you out of the van and you saw all twelve men dead. The man pulls out some sort of tablet and faces the camera towards you. "God dammit Deimos making me use this.. alright kid what's your name, birthday, and age." he asks. "W-what?" you asked. "Your name. C'mon, we don't have all day. What's your name, birthday, and age." he stated bluntly. "(Y/N) (L/N), (birthday), age thirteen." you say. He puts down the tablet and looks at you. "The names Hank J. Wimbleton. Welcome to Nevada..."


AYO! First official story is done! If there's any criticism please do tell me. I want to improve. Other than that I hope you enjoy it!

Madness Combat x Child! Reader (The Horrors of Nevada)Where stories live. Discover now