Chapter 10

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She purposefully looked down at her notes as she ran towards the exit of the conference room. In her rush, her head hit someone's head as she was thrown onto the floor forcefully. She rubbed her head where it hurt and sat up to see who she walked into. It was the director of the CIA himself: Christopher Warren. Papers were scattered around both of them as their eyes met. She was thankful that they were the only ones left in the room.

She quickly got on her knees and gathered their things with the man's help, "I'm so sorry, sir! I wasn't looking where I was going and I was in a hurry to go to my office for an urgent matter."

She handed him his papers and phone which he graciously took, "It's quite alright, Miss Ramirez. Just make sure to be more careful next time."

Adira hugged her file to her chest, ashamed at having knocked over her superior, "Yes, sir."

As she left the room behind the director, she glanced down at her hand to make sure that the ID card was with her and discretely put it into her pocket with her phone as a guise.

Once most of the agents had left, she tied up her hair into a bun and wore a dark grey cap on top, tucking all the loose strands under it. She put on a matching bulky jacket and walked to the confidential area where the agents' information was kept. Looking at the white tiled floor and pulling the cap down so that her face is hidden from the cameras, she walked up to the keypad next to the door at the end of the corridor.

She took out a plaster and some compact powder. She dusted the screen where the finger is to be kept for the scan and pasted the plaster on top and pressed on it to get the director's fingerprint. The keypad started up and asked for the password. Once she entered it, it requested the director's ID to unlock it. She removed the plaster and cleared off the powder before inserting the ID into it. The doors parted to reveal a vast, white room.

Stepping inside, she switched on the lights and searched for the file. Finding it, she quickly took some snapshots and left as discretely as she came.

"I got it."

"Come to the usual place."


"She got it."

"Same place as before?"


Adira walked into Near's lair and slumped on the sofa, handing her phone to him. He was reading the information on the pictures when Kana and her two detectives arrived.

Kana smiled at Adira who waved at her and sat in between her subordinates as usual and turned to Near, "We finally got the details after three weeks. Now what?"

He looked up at her, "We have to make an arrest."

She raised an eyebrow, "With the only evidence being that document containing the evidence about the assignment?"

Near smirked, "That, and we have some shoeprints and hair samples from the crime scene."

She shook her head, "You bribed Thomas."

Wanting to serve justice to the man responsible for Alexander's murder, both Lucius and Cezar asked, "When are we going?"

Near glanced at them, "We have to watch him for a few days to know his schedule. Then we can catch him at a time when he is alone."

Lucius and Cezar volunteered for the job. So did Kana and Adira.

Near stared at them, "Lucius and Cezar can keep watch during the day and Ramirez and Kana can observe during the night."

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