Chapter 4

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Lucius and Cezar rushed to Kana's desk early in the morning the moment they stepped inside the station.

Kana looked up from her work, "What's got into you two?"

Lucius asked, "Can we go to the investigation room?"

Feeling that they may have decoded the document, she nodded and led them to the room.

Once inside, she leaned her back against the wall and gestured for them to sit.

She then asked, "So, you decoded it?"

Lucius nodded while Cezar took out his laptop and switched it on.

Cezar opened the document and turned the laptop towards her.

She approached them and took a look, allowing Lucius to get a whiff of her vaguely familiar smelling perfume.

As he wondered how it could be familiar to him when he had only met her just yesterday, Kana read the document.

Whoever is reading this, I hope you are not one of them. If you are, then screw you! But if you aren't then please read this till the end. If you are reading this, it means that I'm dead. I never intended for this to happen. I only wanted to do what was right, which was exposing the corruption in American politics. Please tell my family that I love them and did not plan on this occurring.

Cezar watched Kana as a thoughtful look passed over her face.

She sat on her chair and, leaning back against it, placed her feet on the table, surprising Lucius and Cezar who assumed her to be the prim and proper type.

Kana crossed her arms across her chest, "Your thoughts?"

Lucius said, "It seems like a murder, but a case can be made for suicide."

Cezar added, "We need more evidence."

Kana looked at Cezar, who continued, "We should go through his companies' files and finances for more evidence."

Kana nodded and stood up, "I'll go get a warrant for that from the DA. You two wait here."

An awkward silence ensued after she left.

Lucius spoke, "Are you sure that we have never met before?"

Cezar nodded.

Curious about how Cezar, who was around his own age, came up to this high a rank, Lucius asked, "How did you become a detective?"

Cezar stared at Lucius for a moment, as if trying to determine his intentions and answered, "I joined the police force when I was 19 and went up the ranks in the next few years till I became a detective."

Still staring at Lucius with those depthless black eyes that entranced him, Cezar asked, "And you?"

Lucius shook himself out of his trance and replied, "Same as you."

Cezar placed his thumb on the corner of his mouth and looked directly into Lucius' mesmerizing brown eyes, sure that he had seen them before.

Lucius found himself unable to tear off his eyes from Cezar's empty black eyes that seemed alight with the faintest fire whenever they were upon him.

They gazed at each other, each analyzing and trying to figure out the other. As they stared at each other, they got a feeling of déjà vu and had a quick flashback.

Cezar found himself standing on a rooftop with the man who looked like Lucius standing across from him in a heavy rain. They were staring at each other, evaluating each other while they were getting soaked.

Choices, Bonds and Fate (DeathNote - LawLight)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin