Chapter 3

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Lucius said, "Well, there seems to be no reason for him to suicide."

Cezar looked at Kana, "What about the CCTVs?"

She checked her watch and frowned, "The CCTV tapes should have been brought to me around now."

Just then an officer came inside, carrying the bag containing the tapes.

He placed it on the table, earning a nod from Kana, and left.

Gesturing at the tapes, she asked, "Shall we get started then?"

They watched the tapes for a few hours and found nothing to suggest murder.

Cezar realized that there was something off about the way Alexander walked to the chair, like he was forced to do it.

He asked Lucius to rewind it.

Lucius complied.

Cezar watched it carefully, focusing particularly on Alexander's face.

A small smile grazed Kana's lips as she remembered how L had that exact same expression when he was watching those Kira tapes.

Cezar suddenly pointed at the screen, "Pause now."

Lucius paused the video and scrutinized the scene displayed before them.

Alexander was staring at the doorway with a look of horror and dread, like he knew that his end was near.

Kana's eyes widened, "It certainly seems like he was forced to suicide at this rate."

Still staring at the screen, Cezar nodded.

Lucius looked at Kana, "We both better get on with decoding that document then, isn't it?"

Kana nodded.

She then glanced at her watch, "It's 10:30 now. Do the decoding tomorrow. Go home now."

Cezar tore off his gaze on the screen and looked at her while Lucius watched them.

She smiled, "I know you want to work late and somehow solve this, Cutov. But you need rest. I also know that you are insomniac, but you have to rest and be refreshed to continue the investigation."

Cezar's face remained impassive, but he nodded, along with Lucius.

Kana stood up and walked out of the room, her detectives following suit.

The moment she stepped inside her house; tears flowed down her tanned face. Tears that she had hidden for twenty years. Tears of pain, betrayal and relief.

Ignoring the salty tears pouring down her face, she walked to her room, took off her clothes, put on a light brown bathrobe, grabbed a pair of dark blue pj's and went to the shower. Feeling the cold water flow down her warm body, she relaxed and let loose all her pain and grief. Her tears mingled with the cold water as she sobbed for her long dead brothers and her lost life.

Despite Kana's advice, Lucius and Cezar worked together on the coded document till midnight at their desks.

Finally, when the clock struck twelve, Cezar monotonously said, "I got it."

Lucius rushed over to Cezar's desk, sitting next to him so that their thighs touched, sending a vaguely familiar spark of electricity up their bodies as Lucius asked, "What does it say?"

Ignoring the pleasant warmth of Lucius' leg pressed against his, Cezar quickly decoded it and wordlessly showed the result.

Lucius' eyes widened, "Looks like Ethel Kennedy's words had some truth in them."

Choices, Bonds and Fate (DeathNote - LawLight)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang