Chapter 8

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She watched with wide eyes as L fell off his chair and glanced at Light out of the corner of her eyes. She saw the surprise and pain in his light brown eyes as he stared at his plan's success. Light jumped into action and caught L in his arms before he touched the floor.

She rushed and kneeled beside the two who were staring at each other in shock. Matsuda yelled something but it was a distant echo in their ears as they were solely focused on each other.

His face hidden from the taskforce by her next to him, Light forced a devilish smirk at his victory over L while tears streamed down her tanned face.

Unable to bear the pain of losing L, she suddenly grabbed L by the shoulders and hugging him tightly, sobbed in his ear, not wanting to expose Light despite his actions, "You were right, L! The entire freaking time, you were right! Light is Kira. Misa was the second Kira. Your line of reasoning was completely correct! Light planned everything so that the death note would return to him. He used Rem's fondness for Misa to kill you. I'm sorry, L. I'm so freaking god damn sorry!"

L whispered to her, "You don't have to apologize. I knew."

She withdrew from him just in time to see him look at Light as a silent farewell passed between the two. The twins watched as his eyes fluttered close and he breathed his last breath.

She sobbed uncontrollably as she heard her brother's calls for L to wake up. She heard Light yell in grief and shock, genuine or not, she did not know, neither did she care. L looked so small and fragile in death, unlike when he was alive and ordered them around with the power of a charismatic leader. Her tears kept on coming like a waterfall as she held L's pale, cold hand.

The voices were all background noises in her ears as she tried to grasp the reality of L's death. Finding herself surrounded by panicked police officers and a deafening silence, she looked up to see everyone waiting for the Shinigami to come and kill them.

She saw Light yell for the Shinigami to come out. Seeing that it would not come into their vicinity, Light carefully left L's motionless body in Aizawa's arms and rushed to look for it. Wanting to confront Light on the events that transpired, she followed him.

He went to the storage room and found a strange, sticky, dust-like substance on the floor with a death note in the middle. She watched as he slowly took it out, dusted it off and put it in his back pocket. She hid herself in the shadows as he walked to the door and called for the other members to come and check out the weird substance.

The members crowded over it and wondered what it was when Light stepped back and vowed to avenge L. The others agreed to it while Matsuda expressed doubt and fear about it. Light reprimanded him firmly and left the room.

Finally seeing Light walking alone in the corridor with his footsteps reverberating across the empty hallway, she stepped out, "Light."

He turned to see her with cold indifferent eyes hiding the pain and regret he felt, "What?"

She walked up to him and grabbed his collar, "You bastard! You murdered L! You used Rem's love for Misa against her and killed L!"

He looked at her indifferently as angry tears streamed down her face, "You love him! You love L! And yet you killed him!"

At her claims, he flung her hands away, "I don't love him. Why would I have feelings for my enemy?"

Furious at his lies, she slapped him harshly across the face making him look at her in surprise, "Bullshit. You love him and you know it. I understand very well why you would want to or feel like you must kill him. But that does not mean that you have to go ahead with it!"

Choices, Bonds and Fate (DeathNote - LawLight)Where stories live. Discover now