✹twenty four✹

Start from the beginning

Aerys was silent for a moment and Jaime feared to turn around. He stared at Lord Rickard and shook his head slowly. That was not a way to rebel against a king. He had to know that his life was surely spent.

"Call for the wildfire." His voice was quiet but so was the room. Not a whisper was heard as the words fell from his lips. Brandon was taken by a nameless guard. His sword was ripped from his hands and a rope was wrapped its way around his neck.

"If I burn Aerys, you will burn with me! Along with the whole of the Seven Kingdoms!"

Rickard was surrounded by the Targaryen household guard and his yells of pain and the shuffles of struggles reached the ears of everyone around and Brandon yelled for his father in anguish. Jaime did not join in the beating and stepped away to stand at the king's side.

"Silly man." Aerys taunted. "I'm of the dragon's blood. We do not burn."

Rickard grunted in pain. "You are no dragon. You are a worm, a worm not fit to be king. Curse you! And all your descendants, curse all of you!"

A group of pyromancers in black robes entered the throne room and Jaime's chest caught at the glimpse of bright green liquid concealed in their sleeves. He tried to think of things that brought him happiness to hide himself away in his head. Jaime thought of his mother's eyes, he thought of the western shores and the cliffs where he and Tyrion had spent their early years. And last, Jaime thought of Rhena and their child, somewhere far away in a beautiful safe castle with his father as protection.

Though it was hard to concentrate with Rickard's screams piercing his thoughts.

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Dragonstone towered above them in sharp angles and dark stone. The windows and torches were lit as half of the Targaryen household had been sent to prepare the whole castle for the queen's stay. The water around their boat was icy cold and black as night and Viserys wedged himself between his mother and sister for warmth.

Their party had received word just two weeks past that Rickard and Brandon Stark had been burnt in the throne room with Aerys laughing over their ashes and that Eddard Stark, Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell, had taken it upon himself to save his sister. Along with the help of Robert Baratheon and over half of the Seven Kingdoms.

Brandon was gone. Rhena was beside herself with grief at the loss of a friend. Her dear Ned was the Lord of Winterfell and war was soon to follow the death of his father and brother. She feared for Rhaegar more and more every passing day and found herself conflicted with which side to choose. He had hurt Elia. He had kidnapped Lyanna.

But he was her brother first and foremost. He was the one who held her during the worst of storms. He was the one who taught her the ways of the sword and the bow. He was kind and dear to her childhood heart. And yet, perhaps their time was finally over. Robert and Ned would surely not rest until Lyanna was safe with them and Rhaegar would not return to their father's court.

Rhena wobbled when her feet touched the smooth stones of the shore. Her body was unbalanced from the water and the babe inside her which refused to let her rest. She was saved from the embarrassment of falling by Ser Callan who took her arm in his and led her to the stone gates. "Where do you want to be my lady?" His Lannister armor was soaked from rowing the boat and she shivered at the touch.

"To my room if you please. Or anywhere with a warm fire and a change of clothes for each of us." Her mother was already ahead of them with Viserys in her arms. Rhena could hardly see her through the fog but she could tell that her mother was beautiful. She looked ethereal in her bright silks which contrasted against the dark skies and the black stone and her hair was a halo around her head.

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