Chapter 2

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I shot forward in my bed, my silky smooth hair billowing out around my face. I quickly tore off the covers of the luxurious bed, and ran to the mirror above the vanity. My hair was no longer pilled up on the top of my head in tangles, instead of my face being made of sharp angles caused by the days gone without a proper meal it was soft and gentle.

"My lady?" called a tentative voice from my doorway. I spun around and my heart leapt with joy

"Gwen!" I shouted in excitement. I run towards her and engulfed her in a hug.

"My lady, whats wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" she asked in concern, taking notice of the tears flowing from my eyes.

"Yes Gwen, a horrible one, but I'm awake now." I said, no doubt confusing her. "Merlin! Where's Merlin?!" I asked

"Why he's in his chambers, Morgana are you sure you're alright?" she asked. But her questions fell on deaf ears. I ran like the hounds of hell were chasing me. When I reached the familiar wooden door, I didn't bother with knocking. I flung open the door, raced up the stairs, and opened the bedroom door with a bang. Merlin rase from the bed, startled out of his sleep. I didn't give him any time to wake up, I simply flung myself into his arms and my little tears turned into full blown sobs as I cried into his chest.

"Morgana what's wrong?" he asked. This only made me cry harder. Oh all the horrible things I have done to him. I looked up and his eyes held no suspicion, no disgust, just concern.

"Merlin, I have magic." I said. It won't be like last time were I came to him for confirmation, this time will be to just confide in him as a friend.

"What?" he whispered. I held out my hand, palm up, and without taking my eyes off his, my eyes lit up and a small flame danced on my palm.

"I trust you Merlin. I'm not going to ask you not to tell anybody, because I know you won't." I told him. He just stared at me, not the flame but me. It was like he was searching for something. He reached for the flame in my hand, and without a word and a flash of gold in his eyes, my simple flame morphed into a dragon made of fire. He looked into my eyes, still holding a hint of gold.

"I trust you, Morgana." he said with complete faith. I gave him a teary smile and flung myself into his arms once again, all whilst snuffing out the flaming dragon.

"I'm not alone anymore." I said, my words muffled in the fabric of his night shirt.

"Neither am I, not anymore."

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