SIXTEEN: Cemetery Drive

25 3 5

Trigger warning: mentions of abuse. Mild violence.

He raised his hand at her that night again. Until she bruised and bled. He didn't stop. He never did. Not when he had that much.

"Stop him!"

She hardly gave herself time to think twice. She was through with it. It was the last straw. She couldn't keep convincing herself that he would get better. Maybe some people need to be given up on.

She only hit him once, a clear shot at the back of his head with his own beer bottle. The thing didn't even shatter on impact. His body fell limp to the kitchen floor. Unconscious or dead, she didn't care in the moment.

He'd never touch her again.

Her eyes watched him hollowly. His fingers twitched, and she didn't even flinch this time. He wasn't so scary when he was the one on the floor.

She faced the other girl. She didn't even look scared. She spoke softly. "Let's go."

She went to her room, to get her bag. The bag that'd been packed for months. She froze as her fingers curled around it's handle.

"Don't hesitate." She whispered. "Not this time."

She hung the strap over her shoulder and went back down the hall. Moving silently, barely breathing, just like all the late nights sneaking in and out. This time, the car was all hers.

She pressed her fingers to the keys, twisting the ignition back to life.

"Go. He may get up soon."

She nodded, and kept nodding as she shifted gears. The cold, lifeless woods crawled out from behind them as she reversed. The white and silvery headstones glistened in the moonlight across the western side of the field, some of their polished black marble reflecting the rear lights.

Finally facing the long, dark road, she moved her shaky hand over to flip on the headlights.

"Don't look back."

Tears burned at her wide, unblinking eyes, and she pressed the gas pedal. The engine growled around her feet, and she released the breath she'd been holding.

"You're free now." The other girl whispered.

She nodded as her tears fell. The street's single lamp glittered orange over the streaks on her face.

She'd finally gotten out. The last one. She was free. Her sisters would be so proud.

An oncoming car's lights flooded the cab, and she took a soft breath and reached for her sister's hand in the empty passenger seat.

"You're free."

I don't know don't @ me
i wrote it all in one sitting. I've been dead on this prompt the whole time.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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