First Kiss

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Elizabeth's (normal) P.O.V

"I'd think before choosing a side in this, princess," Merlin looked at me, her expression serious instead of testing. Her usual catlike smirk was gone, her hazel eyes clouded in a mist of recollection. "Both of those people are extremely influential and therefore extremely dangerous. Crossing both of them only brings certain disaster and destruction."

I swallow thickly at her words, remembering the sight of the burning city of Belialuin. Buildings that had once been architectural wonders had been reduced to piles of rubble and ash, along with its builders and owners. No-one had survived that day - it was only Merlin who had walked out unscathed and even she had sustained injuries. But those injuries seemed to run deeper than her body, they ran into her mind. Each cut and scar had damaged her mentality until her brain was nothing more than a sponge for knowledge and human emotion.

The Merlin that sat before me was nothing but a vengeful child, her development halted with the destruction of her people and all of their knowledge.

"I understand Merlin," I nod as my nerves are finally at ease.

I release a sigh. Each event and emotion tied to my racing thoughts seems to melt away, the problems tied with them fading into an abyss. After such a long day, I had finally unwound and found a way to let everything loose. To let all I know slip and feel no regret. And it felt great.

However... Merlin's talk has now opened a new set of problems. Problems that I'm not sure I want to face yet; they tie into my past and my past is somewhere I'm not willing to visit again. They're a darkened corridor in my mind, a place I don't enter unless necessary. Not to mention sympathy for Merlin had a hold over me. Sympathy for things she hadn't told me of before. Things that were kept hidden despite our sisterly bond.

"I'm sure you do," Merlin hummed slightly, a grin tugging at the edge of her lips. "Now, don't you have a meeting to get to? I'm sure J and Z wouldn't want to be kept waiting."

"How did you know?!" I jump up in surprise, eyes wide as Merlin begins to laugh.

The noise fills my ears, the pleasant sound drowning out the small but raging storm of worries within me. It'd only be a matter of time before it comes back to plague me, to break me down, and so I relish in the sound of something joyful. Something nice before the true trouble begins.

"Oh, not much gets past me, dear," She chuckled, clicking her tongue as she waved a hand. "I know quite a bit about the world and what goes on in it. So I suggest you leave before they think you won't show."

"That I'll definitely do," I nodded as I grabbed my things and bid Merlin goodbye.

The Senior simply nodded, a small smile on her face as she picked up a book. She seemed to be over whatever had a hold over her a few moments ago. In fact she seemed to just snap out of it, like a well trained puppy. A trait that everyone who goes here seems to possess it seems.

But that would mean I have it too...

I shiver slightly. Perhaps that is true, I have been suppressing a lot of things recently. Emotions that were once so easy are now difficult, with new ones taking over and holding my thoughts captive. But I can think of that issue later. Right now I have a meeting to attend.

Shaking my head, I exit Merlin's dorm and begin to race down the hall. Lockers and doors passed by, a blur of blues and reds and glass. My wings threaten to burst forth from my back, the familiar feeling urging me to let it pass, to let them stretch for once and carry me away. But I hold it back knowing that going by foot would be sensible. More efficient. Plus the wings would make me all the more suspicious to any watching Commandments, they were my secret after all.

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