Truth Or Dare

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"What is she doing here?!" Diane shrieked as she spotted Jericho. She stiffened like a cat that had been flicked with water, hissing. "Elizabeth have you gone crazy! The Holy knights hate the Sins."

I blinked as I looked between the two young women. Diane was coiled and tense, ready to attack, and Jericho was scowling and stern, her own hands fixed onto the hilt of her sword. Both looked ready to fight, to combat, but none made the first move.

But I think it was only because I was here.

Luckily, Guila had retreated to her dorm, saying that she had to write a letter to her younger brother. Otherwise this would be a much messier situation. But naturally Jericho had insisted upon checking that I made it back ok. Of course I had said that she didn't need to, but the knight stayed firm. In fact she made sure I had my key and everything. She's extremely stubborn. I definitely had to take note of that: her stubbornness could definitely rival Veronica's.

"Hate is a very strong word you know," Jericho huffed, rolling her eyes. Her gaze narrows. "I just despise you."

"Like that's any better," Diane muttered as she approached me. Her gaze then softened, brows crinkled with concern. "Are you ok Elizabeth? Your sister just dragged you away out of nowhere."

"Yes, I'm fine," I say as I watch the two exchange glares. Yep, Diane definitely dislikes Jericho. For what reason I'm not too sure, however the anger is evident. I can see it in the way they both clench their fists and try not to break into an argument or fight because of my sake.

"That's great!" Diane beamed. She then began to push the Holy knight towards the door, "Well goodbye Jericho! I'll be sure to see you Saturday."

"But - wait Saturday! Who said you were invited?" Jericho's eyes widened in shock.

"Guila," Diane answered smugly, "Now go to your dorm. You've done your job protecting Elizabeth and I promise I won't harm her."

Jericho opened her mouth to protest, but instead clamped it shut right after. Instead of talking, she just nodded in my direction, before growling at Diane and stalking down the hall. Diane had definitely pissed her off and the same for the other way round. Whatever tension they had between themselves was definitely explosive. I wonder what it could be...

I turned to face my roommate and she had a huge grin on her face. A few giggles escaped as she peered at me.

"Did you see the look on her face!" Diane suddenly burst into peals of laughter, "Oh if Merlin were here then - " She didn't finish as she began to laugh even more. Walking inside, Diane then shut the front door to our dorm. The taller girl then lead me down the hall towards the living room.

She then planted me down on the couch, making sure I was comfy, before wiping away a tear of joy. She then placed her hands on her hips and gave me a small grin.

"You haven't eaten much all day have you?" She mused.

My stomach seemed to understand her as it let out a small growl. I yelped before blushing, covering my face with my hands.

"I guess I haven't had time to eat with everything that's been going on," I answer in a small voice.

"Well it's a good thing I can cook!" Diane smiled, "I didn't know what you liked to eat so I just made steamed pork. You're ok with that, right?"

"Sure," I respond, "Do you usually make that dish?"

"Sometimes," Diane answers as she disappears into the hall, "However I like to change it up sometimes. I usually steal a couple recipes off Ban. His cooking is legendary! King seems to enjoy my cooking more though, as he more or less comes to eat with me everyday."

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