Idiot, Idiot, Idiot

18 0 0

Ban's P.O.V





The word can't help but repeat its irritating tone in my head as I pound against the music room door. To me the deafening thuds of each harsh connection are nothing, along with the trail of blood that leaks from my constantly reopened knuckles. 

Crimson stains the door, dribbling and splatting onto the floor as the blood pours in a small, trickling fountain. My screeching shouts only add to the desperation of my actions as Elaine reaches forward and shakes the devil's hand. That sick devil's hand. The same one who was responsible for this situation as well as Elaine losing her freedom.

Like me, that snake shares the burden of that day. Even if Melascula denies it, she's as guilty as I am in the cruel fate of Elaine's life. She helped to add to the chaos that was Elaine's future. She was the one who brought her back to life just for that purpose. She did it to keep her name in the good books of the school officials.

But that's not what pisses me off.

What pisses me off is that even though Melascula denies it, I know that bitch wanted this to happen. She wanted Elaine to fall into the trap that so many had fallen into before. That trap that people like my former friends, neighbours and even my douchebag parents stumbled into. 

They all fell prey to demons at one point in their lives and only left their family or kids to follow the same vicious cycle. They were led to believe in false miracles, the contracts they entered being irreversible. Life changing.

So it's no wonder why I hate demons. I can justify why I hate them with my very fiber and being. And Melascula's only adding more fuel to the fire.

"Ban, stop!" King speaks over my shouts once more, the wimp only watching as my elbow rams against the door. He blinks and flinches at a particularly rough thud. "Ban..."

The glass of the door shatters, clattering as it splits even more when it lands on the floor. Sharp shards are jammed into my elbow, the blood of the wound already drying up like water on a humid day. 

I should remove the glass still stuck in my skin, it could cause a lot of trouble later on, but I don't care about that right now. Not at all. All the stinging and aching fades faster than you could blink, the pain barely registering as I reach in through the cracked window and grab the door handle. The metal feels cool against my hand, the smooth material sending a light chill down my palm as I push it downwards.

At my touch, the door easily swings open. It opens with a silent creak, revealing the scene that I was too slow to stop. I was too stupid to even consider the possibility of it happening; I was too blinded with rage to even think of how Elaine would try to stop me. 

Now that it had happened, I feel as if I'd done nothing to help. By trying to help, I've done more harm than good.


All the anger and desperation falls away as I stare at her still body. She'd fallen face down, her light blonde hair scattered around her shoulders and head. Her white tie was flipped over her shoulder, the flawless material marked with a grubby substance. Once porcelain hands were now a sickly snow, all of the colour and life seeming to have drained from her body.

I swallow thickly at the sight. I'm sure she's died. I'm sure Elaine had traded her life for ours. But as I stumble toward her to check for a pulse, the even sound of breathing fills my ears. It was deep and heavy, as if she were asleep, and I could tell that it was steady enough to carry a pulse. A pulse that could provide life and so I let out a relieved sigh.

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