Miss Merlin

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Meliodas' P.O.V

"So father still thinks I can come back?" I try not to laugh at the ridiculousness of that question. How unbelievable it sounded passing from my own mouth.

When I left the Demon schools five years ago, I knew what I was doing. I knew what would happen and I welcomed it with open arms. I accepted the unknown and decided to try and make the best of the situation - knowing I couldn't turn back. And why? Because I knew it would be better for me and Elizabeth. Well, safer anyway.

At least by going to schools like Liones I wouldn't be forced to hate her and vice versa. None of us would have to think about the issues caused by our old schools and everything would be fine. Plus, I'd have the chance to tell her what I really felt. If nothing ever seemed to get in the way. 

But all of that seemed to backfire tremendously after what happened at Danafor. What happened there is the one thing I regret after leaving the Demon schools behind. The one true Sin in my life. Well, that and not telling Elizabeth the truth when she was Liz, but that's a story for another time. A long and painful one at that.

"That's what he told us," Estarossa shrugged. He scratched his chin, aimlessly glancing off into the distance. "Something about eventually you'll stop bullshitting about and realise you made a mistake or something."

"Of course he did," I sigh as I think back to the many times they've reached out to me about this. My father's been on my tail about this for a while, however this time was different. It was more urgent. Warning. This time a lot of people's lives were on the line and Elizabeth and the Sins would be in danger. I don't think I can deal with all that blood on my hands again.

I was never one to be selfless, but this situation was backing me into a corner with no other way out. Options were growing limited and soon I'd have to choose. Whether I was ready or not.

"I'll think it over," I respond lazily, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

'Better to play it off as if it doesn't bother me much,' I study them both, trying to see any indications of anything amiss. So far both had perfect poker faces. No signs of any shady business.

"You're running out of time, Meliodas," Zeldris frowned as he looked at me. "You can't keep saying you'll think it over. Father's growing impatient."

"Well, if I don't make my mind up, you can always take my place," I answer simply, shrugging, "I never cared about taking over after father anyway."

"Fine," Zeldris spoke as he and Estarossa shared a look. An odd one. Like a smile but hidden behind a neutral mask. They both seemed to chuckle as I studied them.

"You got something to share, Estarossa?" I raise a brow as I smirk at him. He was the easiest to get answers from all thanks to his big mouth. He could never keep it shut.

"Nope," He answered blankly, his eyes quickly darting away from where they were watching.

Footsteps followed his answer and skepticism filled my senses as I eyed my brothers. Both wore blank expressions, but seemed intrigued by the footsteps. They faded as the owner traveled further away. The face of the owner already gone from my line of sight.

"I'm guessing you know who that was," I tilt my head as I look at them both.

"No, but hopefully they didn't hear much," Zeldris turned to check over his shoulder. "We wouldn't want them interfering with our business, would we?"

"No, not at all," I respond coolly, my hands back in their pockets.

Act like you don't care, act like you don't care...

I Thought I Knew YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora