chapter 14

14 1 0

Bessie's POV

I was shocked when Sir Daniel stood up for melike that. I mean,I thought he was a bad person after what he did to me,yet he made me get the chance to go and visit my dad,and for that I am grateful.
I run to where my dad is and I saw him crouched at a corner.


I croaked,my voice hoarse from too much shouting and crying.

"Bessie?" He whispered. God I miss my dad.i want to hug him so badly.

"Dad," I couldn't control myself again as I cried.

"Bess,what's the matter?"

He leaned forward coming close to the bar.

"How's everyone? Bess what's wrong?"

He sounded anxious now.i tried composing myself, but I'm failing at this one task. If only he knew about mom.

"Dad,I'm so sorry."

I could barely manage to breathe now.

"Bessie, tell me what is wrong?"

He pleaded.

"Mom." I whispered.

"What is wrong with Mary?"

Dad was super anxious now. I could only sob,with my hands on bar.

"What is wrong with your mom?"

Dad spoke each word slowly with anger and panic.

"I am so sorry."

I took in deep breath to even my breathing but it was hard.  He held my hands against the bar and spoke with shaky breath.

"Bess dear,please tell me the truth,you are killing me with suspense."

I know I had to tell him.

"Dad,mom is gone." I whispered.

"Bess, I do not get you. Gone? What do you mean by  'gone'?"

He asked,trying to tilt my head to look at him.

"Mom's dead. Joseph came to tell me at workboat mom wasn't breathing, and I went home and then mom-"

I chocked on my tears again. I felt Dad go stiff until I saw him slipping to the ground.

"It is not true ."  He spoke faintly.

"They took mom to the graveyard."

His head snapped to me.

"What the... how can you allow them to do that?"

"I'm so sorry Dad. "

"No no Bess, why should you allow this. Mary can not be d-. She can't be no she is not. "

Dad kept on saying that more to himself than to me. Seeing my dad like this broke my heart. I have rarely seen him in this state. So for him to display such an emotion is really something.

"Young lady,your 1time is up."

The guard sneered. No not now. I have to be with my dad.

"Please sir, just give me a minute more,please."

I hoped and prayed that he will listen.

"No can't do young lady."

I looked at him with pleading eyes,yet the eyes that looked back was  stone cold. I glanced at my father one more time.

"I...I have to go. "

I looked at my dad,dreading the fact that I have to leave him here.since he is the only one left in my family. My dad looked at me with tears eyes. I hate it when dad is helpless.
But what can I do at the moment,the money I have with me is no way near enough to pay my father's debt. That is the reason for still working at Sir Daniel's place,after everything.

"I will come back Dad,I pro-"

"Just go Bess."

My dad cut me short. I know I am helpless and the situation is hopeless.

"I am so sorry."

I whispered and got out,well,I stumbled my way out because I was blinded by tears. Could this day get any worser.
How can life be so unfair,is this my fate?
I know I shouldn't complain about how I am treated by the whites but why should 'life' intensify the torture.
Daniel's POV
Bessie got out, looking more miserable than before. I quickly placed the paper down before she could even raise her head.
I rushed to her side,placed my hands at the small of her back unconsciously and gently took her out.
But not without sending a deadly glare to the officer who tried to stop Bessie.
I know it is God in heaven who is preventing me from punching his face. Wait, why am I even thinking violent stuffs now,I haven't thought of anything like that in all my twenty two years.
I kept stealing worried glances towards the place she just came from.
  I wonder what happened between Bessie and her father.
I turned to Bessie and all my thoughts seized when I saw her shivering.
Obviously from the cold.
Our clothes are dirty and wet from mud and rain.
I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. Her sobbing turned quiet as she went stiff. I was more or less enjoying out 'hug' when she pushed herself out of it.

"I am sorry."

She said and tried to ran but I caught her before she could. Touching her cheeks gently,I spoke with a coaxing voice.

"Hey,don't go,don't ran away from me please."

I pulled her close to me again,and darn she feels so soft. Why am I thinking about that now? I do not want her to feel uncomfortable around me so I pushed her soflty at arm's length so I could look at her face.

"Everything will be okay."

I brushed her cheeks and tilted her head,trying to meet her in the eyes.

"Just calm down Bess.  I am awfully sorry about your mom...hey don't cry okay. Everything will be fine. I- I mean Vera and I are here for you,always."

The sky started to darken again.

"Let me take you home before it starts to rain again."  I offered.

She nodded and once again we started to walk. I quickened my pace when it started to drizzle and Bessie followed suit. Luckily, we reached to her house just in time before the pour.
Bessie felt reluctant to enter but I held her hands and assured her everything will be fine. She still looked uneasy.

"Don't worry,I am here for you. I am not going anywhere. And do not think I am going to leave you all alone here. And do not worry about what people will say. Bess,I do not mind at all."

Bessie looked grateful after my...Well my long speech. She slowly opened the door and her eyes went to the spot her mother laid and her eyes started to water again. I can't see her cry again,so I held her hands and used my other hand to cup her face.
She looks so beautiful. If only I could kiss her. I stared at her from her eyes to her cute nose and to her lips ,debating whether I should kiss her or not.

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