chapter 21

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I literally dragged Bessie out of the room because I had an agenda to do. But not before realising she has my baby,so I slowed down, and together, we entered the kitchen. Good thing all the maids were there as everyone was doing a different chore.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing,looking surprised. But I didn't care,in the far corner, I saw Vera with her arms crossed on her chest with a warning glare in her eyes. I looked at her briefly and then continued with my mission.

"As you all know, the doctor came to check up on Bessie and concluded that she needed to rest. So I don't want anyone bothering her with house chores until I see that she is fully recovered."

"But sir,"

Judith piped in.

"Don't you think it's a bit biased on your side to do that, I mean, we all have our fair share in house chores,we also get tired. So you issuing this,make us know that you have favourites. But in my opinion, it shouldn't be so,we all should be treated equally. "

"You just brought about a very interesting sentence, 'we all should be treated equally.' I have seen the way you make Bessie do almost all the chores,you make her over work, trying to find faults in her work so you can scold her. Just because I have been quiet does not mean I'm oblivious."

"But sir -"

"No buts,Judith, I am the young master of this house, and my word is the law,I hope I am making myself clear,not only to you,but to everyone. "

Everyone answered with head bowed,I saw admiration In Vera's eyes, Bessie's eyes had shock in them,Judith had a not-so-good face, but she had no choice.

"Everyone here should be treated equally. We must promote peace and harmony,no one should be oppressed. That is what promotes love and peaceful coexistence between a master and his servant, between two worlds. And if I have to start with Bessie, then I will."

Almost all the maids had relief shown on their faces,only Judith. But I didn't seem to care,I'm a soon-to-be father.

"Okay,now everyone, please continue with what you were doing. And oh Vera, could you please prepare something for me and friends, I will be inviting the over."

"Sure thing, sir,take care."

With an amused look, Vera left to do her chore. Leaving me with Bessie.

"You should rest. Maybe if you're feeling a bit better, you can take a stroll to avoid a stiff leg."

She nodded and left slowly, but I noticed the maids stealing glances at her. I knew immediately I left they would start with their gossip. I left to go find my friends since it has been long since I last saw them. When I got to the usual bar in hopes of finding them,the ever cheerful Lewis was the first one to spot me.

"Hey,look who it is, Danny the nanny."

"Haha,how am I Danny the nanny."

"I don't know. I just like that it rhymes. "

I chuckled.

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