i am so sorry

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I would like to start this by apologising to everyone who has been enjoying this book and been eagerly awaiting for the next chapter, but unfortunately I will be forced to discontinue this book for a number of reasons. The first and biggest reason is because with the new episodes in the channel and how the channel is changing I am unsure of how I will be able to incorporate (Y/n) and his relationship with melony into newer videos, along with how I will be able to incorporate axol into them. The second reason is because when I decided to take a break from this book for a little while more videos came out and while I would be writing for them more videos would come out and I would be pressured and stressed to keep up, so I put it off, and now it has become impossible to catch up due to around a years worth of videos being produced since the last chapter. The third reason is because I now must focus on collage, family and friends, not to mention my chosen course being both physically and mentally draining. I really do apologise to everyone enjoying this book, I do not want this to end but it has to. I am thankful to everyone of you who liked this book, even managing to reach top 3 in SMG4 at some point and I believe 1st place in the tag. This has been the only book this far that I have been proud to say that I have worked on, I thank each and everyone of you for this.

a sleepy god and a shadow [Discontinued] (melony x male reader) (smg4)Where stories live. Discover now